SOP Limitations Flashcards
What must be operational for RVSM?
Autopilot (1)
Altitude alerting system
Altitude reporting transponder (we have 2, need only 1)
Air data computers (2)
Max pressure altitude for takeoff
Max operating altitude
Max air temp for takeoff and landing ISA?
Minimum temp approved for takeoff
-40° F or C. They’re the same here
On the ground, when, and at what temp must cowl anti ice be on
OAT 10°C
Contaminated runway
Visible moisture/fog with vis 1 mile or less
For ground ops, wing anti ice must be on for takeoff at what temperature?
visible moisture/fog with vis 1 mile or less
For flight ops, at what TAT must the wing anti-ice be on
10°C TAT
when Ice is annunciated
If you’re in ice and airspeed less than 230
Max slope approved for takeoff and landing
+2% uphill
-2% downhill
Max tailwind for takeoff and landing
10 knots
What kind of engines do we have
Two General Electric CF34-8C5B1 turbofans
ITT must be below what temperature to ground start an engine?
ITT must be below what temp to air start an engine?
When can you NOT use reduced (FLEX) takeoff thrust?
-Wing/cowl anti ice bleeds in use
- contaminated runway
- wind shear warnings/forecast
- anti skid system inop
Max fuel imbalance during takeoff
300 pounds
Max fuel imbalance in all other phases of flight except takeoff
800 pounds
Max useable fuel in each tank for pressure refuel
-Left tank: 7,492
-Right tank: 7,492
-Center tank: 4,610
-Total fuel: 19,594
Can we use automatic fuel cross flow on takeoff?
No; must be in manual
Min temp for starting a cold soaked APU on the ground
-40° F or C
At what altitude is APU bleed air extraction not authorized?
Vfe speeds
Flaps 1: 230
Flaps 8: 230
Flaps 20: 230
Flaps 30: 185
Flaps 45: 170
Vle extension
Vle retraction
Max tire limit speed
Windshield wiper ops speed
250 or below
At what altitude can you activate autopilot?
600’ AGL
For non precision approaches, what altitude must the autopilot be deactivated?
400’ AGL
For precision approaches, what altitude must the autopilot be deactivated?
Less than 3.5° glide slope angle: 80’ AGL
3.5° and 4° glide slope angle: 120’ AGL
APU service ceiling
Flight spoilers must not be extended below what altitude and speed
300; Vref +10
Max flap/slats deployment altitude
When to use continuous ignition
Contaminated runway
Rain moderate or heavier
Turbulence moderate or heavier
Vicinity of thunderstorms
Engine Start limits on ground
Starts 1/2 - 90 seconds, 10 second cooldown
Starts 3-5 - 90 seconds, 5 minute cooldown
Motoring limits on the ground
1 - 90 seconds, 5 minute cool down
2-5 - 30 seconds 5 minute cooldown
Engine motoring in flight: time and cooldown
1 - 120 seconds, 10 second cooldown
2-5 - 60 seconds, 5 minute cooldown
Relight (restart) in flight altitudes, windmilling and using the starter
Windmilling: 25,000
Using the starter: 21,000
How high can we start the APU
How high can we take electricity out of the APU
Time limit with battery master on
5 minutes
Flaps/slats prohibited when
En route and above 15,000
Spoilers prohibited below what altitude
300 feet
Reversers need to be off and stowed by
Off by 75
Stowed by 60
Under what flight conditions (not temperature) must the cowl anti Ice be on?
Icing conditions or ICE is annunciation by the ice detection system
What are considered critical areas of the aircraft?
upper fuselage
horizontal stab
vert. Stab
control surfaces
engine inlet
Is takeoff with frost permitted? If so when?
Yes, only if it adheres to the upper fuselage and it’s possible to distinguish surface features or with 1/8 inch of frost on the underside of the wing
What is the Minimum flight crew
1 pilot
1 copilot
CRJ550 cargo dimensions
Fwd: 1,000 lbs
Aft: 374 cu ft - 3740 lbs
Aft: 296 cu ft - 271 lbs
At what altitude is APU bleed air extraction not permitted?
25,000 feet
Max turbulence penetration speed in knots and Mach?
280 knots
0.75 Mach
Minimum and maximum pressure differential?
-0.5 psi - 8.7 psi
Single pack operation max altitude
Max useable fuel in each tank for gravity refuel
Right wing: 7,290
Left wing: 7,290
Center tank: none
Total: 14,580
Minimum oxygen required for dispatch
2 cockpit crew members - 810psi
3 cockpit crew members - 1110psi
Min fuel required for go around
600 pounds per wing, max 10° pitch up
Underseat storage weight
12 pounds
Overhead storage
1,180 pounds
Forward cargo weight
1,000 pounds
Aft cargo weight
3740 pounds
Engine limits green and red for N1, N2, oil temp
N1: Green: 0-99.4 Red: 99.5
N2: Green: 0-99.3 Red: 99.4
Oil temp: Green: -40-155 Red: 164
Engine warmup: don’t exceed 75% N1 for…
2 mins after start or till all indications are normal
How would you know if you are getting SLD Ice and what kind of precip is it
Ice on flight deck side window, it’s freezing rain
Engine relight limitations - windmilling/starter assisted
Windmilling - SL-25,000, 250kts - Vmo and N2 7.2%
Starter assisted SL-21,000. Vref - Vmo and 0-45% N2
Mmo, RVSM Mmo
Mmo: 0.85
RVSM Mmo: 0.83
Fuel temp limits
Jet A takeoff limit -30, flight limit -40
When can an FO with less than 100 hrs not takeoff/land
Breaking action is 4 or less (good-medium)
RVR less than 4,000 or 3/4 mile vis
Crosswind more than 15 knots
Contaminated runway
APU min temp, how many starts in an hour
3 starts in an hour with 2 mins in between
FO with more than 100 hrs limitations
No takeoff on runway shorter than 4500
Less than cat 1 mins (less than 1800 rvr)
Brake action less than poor (code of 2)
Pic determines
Load factor limits with flaps up and down
Up: -1.0 - +2.5
Down: 0.0 - 2.0
Can you do an emergency depress above 15,000?
Max/min differential pressure
Max 8.7
Min -0.5
Max APU and IDG Kva
40 for both
FO limitations more than 100 hrs
No takeoff if wx below landing mins for dep airport
Below 4500
Braking less than poor
What is Marginal weather
1,000ft and 3 miles at destination, 600 ft and 2 miles at alternate
O2 reqs for 2 ppl vs 3 with 77 cu ft vs 50
77 - 810/1110
50 - 1180/1630
How many jackscrews we got?
1 - moves horizontal stabilizer, powered by 2 electric motors , one at a time
What connects the aielerons
Torque tube. Ailerons mechanically connected via a torque tube
What’s RAP and what’s the max time
Reserve availability period (short call) up to 14 hours,
If you call in fatigued how much rest do you get?
12 hours
How long is long call reserve
12 hours
The ice detection probe - is it heated?
Yes. Heats for 5 seconds every 60 second period
How long can we be at max power or takeoff power with 2 engines?
5 mins
How long can we be at apr thrust with 1 engine?
10 mins
When type 2 or 4 anti-ice fluids are applied, when do you turn on wing anti ice
Just prior to thrust increase
Normal N1 idle range?
Normal N2 idle range?
Max ITT for engine start on ground? (Red line)
Max ITT for windmill engine start? (Red line)
Minimum oil pressure?
25 psi
Normal oil pressure ranges below 60 and above 60
Below 60 - 25-65 psi
Above 60 - 25-95 psi
Normal thrust rating vs APR thrust rating?
12,670 pounds
13,790 pounds (APR)
What’s on the accessory gearbox?
O - oil pump
F - fuel pump
F - FADEC alternator
H - hydraulic pump
I - integrated drive generator
A - air turbine starter
How many amps is the main battery vs APU battery
Main 17
APU 43
What powers the FADEC?
Airplane electrical system until N2 reaches 50%, then the FADEC alternator powers the FADEC
Oil pressure normal range?
When will we get a green “takeoff config ok”
Flaps set 8-20
Aileron trim
Rudder trim
Stabilizer trim
Parking brake off
Flight spoilers stowed
Autopilot off
When will continuous ignition fire automatically?
FADEC senses flameout
Approaching a stickshaker during a stall
Disruption of airflow through engine
How many different idles are there and what are they?
Five - FLAG R
F - flight idle
L - landing idle
A - approach idle
G - ground idle
R - reverse idle
What conditions must be met for TO/TO to activate in the FMA?
Parking brake off
Flaps 8-20°
V-speeds set
Stabilizer trim in takeoff range
Both engines running
How many AC and DC busses are there
AC - 4
DC - 9
What’s attatched to ADG
S - stab trim channel 2
A - ADG bus
F - flaps/slats 1/2 speed
E - essential AC bus
H - hydraulic pump 3B
Difference between tat and sat
Tat accounts for compressibility. All the ram air coming at you. Sat is air temp outside
Min rpm on apu on ground vs in flight
5 on ground 12 in flight
When do you remember BIGHAF and what is it?
Engine fire push buttons pressed
B - bleed prsov close
I - igniters inhibited
G - generators (IDG) disconnected
H - hydraulic sov closed
A - arms engine fire bottles
F - fuel sov closed
When do you remember GASPL and what does it stand for?
When the APU fire button is pressed
G - generator, APU generator trips offline
A - arms the fire bottle
S - sov, fuel sov closed
P - pump, fuel pump off
L - load control valve (LCV) closed
What is PHCHRCWT for and what does it stand for?
For the flow of air through PACK components
P - precooler
H - heat exchanger (primary)
C - compressor
H - heat exchanger (secondary)
R - reheater
C - condenser
W - water extractor
T - turbine (expansion turbine)
This air then goes to a mixing manifold then into the cabin
What’s the function of the PRSOVs?
Pressure regulating shutoff valves, they regulate pressure in the bleed air manifolds to 45 PSI +/- 3.
The ACSCs (air conditioning system controllers) command the PRSOVs
Hot start memory/non memory item
ITT goes super hot: Thrust lever shut off, reference QRH
Hung start non memory/memory item
N2 hangs below 50% and stays there: thrust lever shut off, reference QRH
No starter cutout memory/non memory item
When N2 is above 50%, the start message on ED2 should go away and the start light should extinguish, if it doesn’t: press stop button. Reference QRH
550 weights
Max ramp: 66,000
Max takeoff: 65,000
Max landing: 61,000
Zero fuel: 59,000
Min flight: 42,000
700 weights
Max ramp: 75,250
Max takeoff: 75,000
Max landing: 67,000
Zero fuel: 62,300
Min flight: 42,000
Min operating: 39,835