SOP Flashcards
Active strips by time, earliest at bottom. If times are identical_____.
the strip with the lowest altitude is sequenced at the bottom.
Keep all strips of a flight together until ____.
black times are computed and written on the successive strips.
The automated altimeters on the Non-Radar clocks meet the 7110.65 requirement. Students have the option of_____.
posting an altimeter strip.
Students are NOT allowed to clear departures out of the______.
suspense/departure bay. The strip must be placed in the active bay prior to issuing the clearance.
Never post strips with active traffic that do not have a____and ____, except when issuing initial departure clearances (for traffic search) or before the start of the scenario.
Carry forward all stripmarking and revisions.
ex: a change in route… change all strips.
A restriction has to be on the strip in the bay where the restriction happens…
i.e.,… for a 0M8 departure eastbound over JAN, the restriction to miss JAN has to be written on the strip in the JAN bay.
Red circles around information…
must be used to indicate completed coordination.
An IAFDOF altitude must be underlined in ____ on:
- the coordination strip for aircraft leaving sector.
- a departure space 24.
NOTE: If a flight has multiple postings additional strips may be marked if a segment of flight within that fix posting is IAFDOF.
go in what spaces and to indicate what?
Space 20 of an active strip: indicates a conflict with active traffic, MEA, CBM 3 MOA, R931A or B.
Space 24 of a proposal strip: indicates a conflict with CBM 3 MOA, R931A/B and/or a requested altitude below the MEA.
ex: VKS westbound requesting 4000 (altitude too low for MEA)
place black altitude checkmarks in space 20 on all strips for aircraft in_____.
Level flight and on frequency.
Altimeter check may be used by placing a black checkmark in one of the spaces 1-10 for ____.
aircraft on frequency at the start of the scenario and for aircraft checking on frequency during the scenario if the altimeter is given to the aircraft.
Arrival/Departure arrows may be drawn in space 16 using RED or BLACK arrows to ____.
Highlight existing smaller arrows for emphasis.
Assume that all aircraft on frequency already have____.
weather information.
When red W’s are resolved____. .
put a line through it.
SOP does not indicate color to be used for this line, I’m assuming black
Use an ____ to delete a climb/descend and maintain arrow, an at above/below symbol, a cruise symbol, and unwanted altitude information in space 20 and 24.
Any unwanted altitude restriction must be _____ out and not lined through whether pre-planned in red or written in black.
Draw a _____ ______.
through all other items in all spaces.
If an aircraft reported an altitude other than the assigned altitude,______.
the reported altitude would be written in black and circled in black.
Multiple arrivals at KGWO, must record the coordination of blocked airspace with D67 on _____.
EACH arrival strip, and crossed off only on the last arrival strip.
All preplanning may be circled in _____ when coordinated and circled in _____ after issued to the pilot.
Never circled in black:
- Preplanned altitude
- Coordination of type of approach
Coordination fix for MLU arrivals in black.
Crossing out RINKY and put DINKY ( in black).
Can reduced longitudinal separation be preplanned?
Preplanning for reminders:
are never circled in any color and must be rewritten in BLACK if issued.
(exaple: V for clearance void time and small H for holding patter.)
List of items that can be preplanned:
- T (Via depart)
- SYD (visual separation approved between)
- RLS (release instructions to tower)
- CTL (get control of aircraft)
- RP (report passing)
- V (void time)
- H (holding)
- 67 (block airspace with sector 67)
- . (established on)
- __ (underline equipment suffix)
- (Miles per minute, usually only remotes)
can all be prelanned in red but must____.
be recorded in black when issued.
Stripmarking NOT allowed for preplanning:
Do not reroute the aircraft unless____.
it is necessary.
If possible, preplan “witha” restrictions (for approach) and forward them when____.
you pass the inbound or APREQ.
Separate aircraft using minimum ______.
Altitude and mileage restrictions.
Combining restrictions within ____NM of each other is acceptable.
use whichever restriction or more restrictive
Split space 18 of the departure strip, in ______ write your assumed departure time. If more than one strip to the flight, in _____ write your assumed departure time in space 12 of the second strip.
(This is for JAN, VKS, GWO, and 0M8)
For MLU write assumed departure time in ____ using space 13 of the departure strip.
Then add your assumed departure time to the plus time and enter that time in black using space 15 of the departure strip.
If there is more than 1 strip to the flight, write other calculated times in space 121 in black.
If actual departure times differ by more than ____ minutes of the assumed departure time you will need to ______.
recalculate times used in subsequent strips and coordination.
All aircraft must be assined an altitude appropriate for the direction of flight prior to ______.
Leaving sector 66.
No IAFDOF to other sectors.
When amending the route of flight or altitude in the previously issued clearance, you must_______.
restate all applicable altitude restrictions.
Aircraft performance:
Single engine prop - _____ feet per minute.
Aircraft Performance
Multiengine and turboprop-____ feet per minute
Aircraft Performance
Turbojet-______ feet per minute.
The purpose of these climb and descent rates are for______.
remotes to be able to calculate requested altitude reports and are not to be used for nonradar separation.
Holding patter template ____ is used in Aero Center to identify the airspace that must be protected for holding patterns/apch procedures.
31 total
Holding patter becomes active after issuance and shall be protected up to _____minutes prior to the arrival fix estimate.
Holding instructions not issued: Once an aircraft landing at an airport reaches the arrival fix, the holding pattern becomes ______ and the aircraft will hold on the ______ radial.
Approach airspace to GWO is different than the holding pattern airspace at ____.
When approach clearance is issued at GWO, the protected airspace must be increased to include the approach airspace on ____ northeast of SQS and ______ northeast of SQS.