SOP Flashcards
Hvad skal du huske ved +10kt XWC
No flap landing (86KIAS)
Udregning af Wind med Gust
Add ½ of difference between mean wind value and gust value.
Maximum addition: 10 kts.
When swapping the fuel feeding from one tank to another
The auxiliary FUEL PUMP must be switched ON
Due to AHRS Failure
(Attitude and Heading Reference System)
Perform a regular scan of standby flight instrument (GI-275), comparing it to the indications on the PFD and to the natural horizon.
PITOT HEAT shall only be selected ON when required/deemed necessary.
Meaning, PITOT HEAT shall be selected ON if flight into icing conditions
It is of utmost importance, that the requirement for use of PITOT HEAT ON/OFF is continuously assessed during the flight
VFR departure RWY 21, Roskilde. Normal take-off.
After departure climb straight ahead
650 ft. (500 ft. AGL),
expect right turn inbound Borup HDG 235°,
climbing for altitude 1300ft. HDG bug set to WCH and altitude warning set.
In case of any failure before VR “WE
STOP”, close throttle and apply sufficient brakes.
In case of engine failure after VR and
below 650 ft. (500 ft. AGL), check nose down, speed 70 KIAS, throttle idle, flaps as required and land straight ahead within 45°, preferable to the L/R according to wind.
Above 650 ft. (500 ft. AGL) standard emergency procedures are used.”.
Final clear - Lining up RWY 29 - Bravo 5 intersection - 1500m available.
Heading indicator checked - RWY …
Coming up 1000 ft. below target altitude or level, call out
1000 FT. TO GO - QNH … (or
Standard 1013)
B - BRIEFING (Enter CTR via xx ALT for left hand approach RWY XX avoid city)
C - CHECKLIST (decent+approach)
Tilpas downwind til final headwind. Remember to call it out as non-standard, e.g. “NON- STANDARD - Level off at 1000 ft. (MSL)”.
When passing abeam the selected mark reduce throttle lever to idle and maintain altitude while trim for VGLIDE 70 KIAS.
When reaching VGLIDE, set glide attitude and turn base.
Adjust glide as required by flaps 1 - remember to lower the nose as configuration is added to maintain the appropriate speed.
When gliding into wind on base and final, VGLIDE may be increased by ½ the headwind component.
Do not select flaps 2. Instead, continue for landing with flaps 1.
Remember your final check: “Final check: Propeller fine - Flaps 1 set”
When commencing airwork
a) RPM 2250 (22” 23”) 90 KIAS
Autopilot Master Switch OFF
Auxiliary FUEL PUMP switch ON.
b) Verify Pitch Trim Selector set for LH.
c) Always maintain a good look out.
Fart ned
MAP 12”
Hold retning med rudder
Pitch up for at holde højden, trim
5kt før hastighed, sæt ønsket MAP
Fart op
Full Throttle
Lower nose, trim
5kt før hastighed, sæt ønsket MAP
Nose high recovery procedure
“NOSE HIGH” (announcement only, no action)
Autopilot disengage”
“Nose down”
“Adjust power”
“Roll wings level”
Nose low recovery procedure:
“NOSE LOW” (announcement only, no action)
“Autopilot disengage”
Recover stall if needed (NB! Not a callout)
“Roll wings level”
“Adjust power”
A “Altitude …. Ft.”. Stall completed not less than 3000 ft. AGL (Incipient stalls can be accepted below 3000 ft. AGL if an operational need exists, but must be completed not less than 2000 ft. AGL).
C “Configuration”. Brief intended configuration. Also brief any expected warnings that are to be ignored (i.e. stall warning during fully developed stall). E.g.: “Approach to stall, landing configuration”, or “Fully developed stall, clean configuration, expect stall warning”.
S “Safety. Loose objects stowed, seat belts fastened”.
E “Engine instruments checked (in the green), set up for airwork”.
L “Location. Clear of populated areas - clear of clouds - clearing turns”.
Stall recovery procedure:
“STALL” (announcement only, no action)
“Autopilot disengage”
“Nose down”
“Roll wings level”
When no longer stalled and airspeed increasing:
“Adjust power” (use max continuous power during training exercises)
“G/A attitude”
“Positive ROC”
“Safe speed - Flaps up”
Stall adjust power:
“Adjust power” will on CAPA aircrafts always be to add full power for stalls (max climb power during training exercises). Bear in mind that with under wing mounted engines it is not the case.
Spin recovery procedure:
“SPIN” (announcement only, no action)
“Autopilot disengage”
“Power idle”
“Aileron neutral”
“Rudder opposite” & “Nose down”
When rotation stops:
“Rudder neutral”
“Raise nose” (smooth but not slow application!)
“Adjust power”
“Engine failure - Autopilot disengage”.
“Switch tank - Fuel pumps ON”.
“Trim to VGLIDE”
“Turn away from unsuitable areas”
ENGINE FAILURE 500 ft. to 1500 ft.:
• Find suitable field - if not already on downwind, turn base according to wind.
Perform restart (call out and do):
“Master Switch ON”
“Propeller Lever FULL FWD”
“Throttle Lever 1-2 cm OPEN”
“Engine Alternate Air OPEN”
“Lane A & B Switches ON”
“Backup Battery Switch ON”
‐ If propeller is not windmilling: “Press Starter Button”
ENGINE FAILURE Above 1500 ft.:
‐ Autopilot disengage
‐ Switch tank - Fuel pumps ON
‐ Trim to VGLIDE
‐ Turn away from unsuitable areas
‐ Find suitable FIELD
‐ MAYDAY + 7700 (if time permits)
‐ PAX Briefing + SHUTDOWN
ABC List
10min før LND
Enter EKRK CTR via Køge, ALT 1150 ft., left-hand APP RWY 29. Avoid all cities.
Decent checklist først
approach checklist efter
22-23” 2250RPM 90KIAS
Passing abeam threshold:
- 14”
- check speed: flaps 1
- 80KIAS
- Decent
Pre Final:
- Check traffic on final before and after turning base.
- Final turn must be finished not later than 650’MSL
- Check speed: flaps 2 - 70KIAS
-“Final check: Propeller fine - Flaps 2
- Pass the threshold with 63 KIAS. Vref
- Reduce throttle lever to idle for landing
- Descent and Approach checklist
- Find a suitable field
- Overfly the field at 1000 ft. AGL
- Contact ATC and state intentions
- Fly normal circuit but at 300 ft. AGL
- Timing the length of the field