Song Of The Pick, Gerard Sekoto Flashcards
Subject matter
- Scenes of everyday life of nine men laboring while being guarded by white overseer.
- Political commentary painting
Unity & repetition
- Shapes of extended right legs & lifted arms holding picks
- Warden contracts rhythm of movement & song
- Rhythm by repetition of shapes and colours
Simplified shapes
Created roundness by strong contrasting tones
Contrasting overseer in white and laborers.
Dynamic by placing figured of workers in strong Diagonal lines
Assymetrical as large group of workers are balanced by small figure on right.
Colour & light
Predominantly primary colours
Provide solidity & unity
Colour not true to life
Strong patterns
Not entirely realistic
Brush strokes6/technique
Blurred, soft edged forms
Similar to effect of focus in photograph
Fleeting moment
Perspective & depth
3 D perspective adds to effect of distortion
Depth added by layout of composition, tonal values, colours
Painterly style
Was focused on formal aspects like form & shape so works do not always show harsh realities of life but more idealized version as a way to sympathize for subjects.
Create shadows to contribute to depth
Line & space
Parallel lines of laborers moving into single point