(some) Applications! Flashcards
Quantum Dots
small balls of metal or semi conductor. Particle in a Box phenomenon effects the energy states their electrons can inhabbbit. Allowing us to make it absorb/emit very specific waveleingths
small balls of metal or semi conductor. Particle in a Box phenomenon effects the energy states their electrons can inhabbbit. Allowing us to make it absorb/emit very specific waveleingths
Quantum Dots
properties of lasers
The light is choerent and monocrhromatic (they are all of the same color, and their peaks all line up)
The light is choerent and monocrhromatic (they are all of the same color, and their peaks all line up)
properties of lasers
absorbtion of light
when a photon of the right energy interacts with a material, the material will absorb the light and the electron will be promoted in energy
when a photon of the right energy interacts with a material, the material will absorb the light and the electron will be promoted in energy
absorbtion of light
spontaneious emision/photoemission/flouressence
a particle relaxes in energy, causing it to release a photon
a particle relaxes in energy, causing it to release a photon
spontaneious emision/photoemission/flouressence
Stimulated emission
a particle at a high energy is stimulated to drop in energy when exposed to a phonon equaling the drop, creating a second identical phton
a particle at a high energy is stimulated to drop in energy when exposed to a phonon equaling the drop, creating a second identical phton
Stimulated emission
a psudo-partical formed when an excited electron is attracted to a (hole) with a postiive charge. The other electrons tin the moledcute keep it from colaping, alowing the electron’s wavefunction to fill the availible space
a psudo-partical formed when an excited electron is attracted to a (hole) with a postiive charge. The other electrons tin the moledcute keep it from colaping, alowing the electron’s wavefunction to fill the availible space
Light Amplificationg by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Light Amplificationg by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Gain medium
the portion of a laser that is providing the stimulated emisssion
the portion of a laser that is providing the stimulated emisssion
Gain medium
the Pump
the part of the lazer that puts electrons of the gain medium into the excited state
the part of the lazer that puts electrons of the gain medium into the excited state
the Pump
mirrors inside a lazer
build up more and more coordinated light inside the chamber by passing it over the gain medium over and over, only let a small amount of light out
build up more and more coordinated light inside the chamber by passing it over the gain medium over and over, only let a small amount of light out
mirrors inside a laser
when a lazer is turned on
the pump activates, and eventualy one electron in the gain medium will spontaniously decay, starting a chain reaction
the pump activates, and eventualy one electron in the gain medium will spontaniously decay, starting a chain reaction
when a lazer is turned on
Population inversion
When more than 50% of the population is in an excited state, requires at least 3 states of energy to set up properly.
When more than 50% of the population is in an excited state, requires at least 3 states of energy to set up properly.
Population inversion
building quantum wells
we construct a shape that is essentialy unlimited in two dimetnions, but very limited in the third. even more specific than quantum dots.
we construct a shape that is essentialy unlimited in two dimetnions, but very limited in the third. even more specific than quantum dots.
building quantum wells
Resonance Tunneling diode
a diode with multiple wells, when a bias is just right the boxes will line up, creating an electron flow.
a diode with multiple wells, when a bias is just right the boxes will line up, creating an electron flow.
Resonance Tunneling Diode
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
you have a point of platinum over a metalic surface such that electrons will be able to tunnel through. You can take “pictures” of attoms by measuring the flow of electrons (thereby measuring if anything is in the way)
you have a point of platinum over a metalic surface such that electrons will be able to tunnel through. You can take “pictures” of attoms by measuring the flow of electrons (thereby measuring if anything is in the way)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
valence bonds and quantum mechanics
electrons are essentialy particles in a box, if they have enough energy their function exteds outside the box, and if another box is close enough, they may jump between boxes.
electrons are essentialy particles in a box, if they have enough energy their function exteds outside the box, and if another box is close enough, they may jump between boxes.
valence bonds and quantum mechanics
Chemical reactions and quantum mechanics
when the raction inovolves a small particle, such as a hydrogen or electron, it may tunnel through the potential barriar to create products, even if there isn’t enough energy for the reaction to proceed normaly
when the raction inovolves a small particle, such as a hydrogen or electron, it may tunnel through the potential barriar to create products, even if there isn’t enough energy for the reaction to proceed normaly
Chemical reactions and quantum mechanics