Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Flashcards
Somatic symptom disorder
One or more somatic symptoms that are significantly disrupting
Excessive throughts related to somatic symptoms
State of being symptomatic is persistent
Somatic symptom disorder demographics
Around age of 30
Many more women
May have symptoms for several months then several without
Increased stress brings on
Tx of somatic symptom and what to do as physician
Single ID primary caretaker
Monthly but without tests and lab work
Look at this si as emotional expression
Illness anxiety disorder
Somatic symptoms are ot really present
Lots of anxiety about illness
At least 6 months but specific illness feared may change
Illness anxiety disorder demographics
Men and women equal
May misinterpret their own sensations
Illness anxiety vs
and what is length
Complain about fewer symptoms and more concerned with an illness
Conversion typically acute and involves a symptom rather than a dz
Episodes last from months to years
Good prognostics of illness anxiety and tx
Higher SES, etc.
Use group psychotherpay
Make sure to regularly scheudle physicals
Conversion disorder
Functional neuro smyptom disoder
One or more symptoms of altered voluntary motor or sensory function
Incompatibility bt symptom and conditions
Specify the symtom type
Conversion disorder demographics
Neurologic symptoms
More women
Men may have been in accidents
Adolsecent onset and young adulthood
CD pathology and other things seen
CD caused by repression of unconscious intra-psychic conflict and convert anxiety into a physcial symptom
Primary gain - patients keep conflicts out of awareness
Secondary gain - tangible advantgeaes and benefits as a result of being sick
La belle indiferrent - cavalier attitude toward serious symptoms
CD course
Patients may model symptoms on those of someone important to them
Normally resolve soon
Sudden onset is better
Factitious disorder on SELF
Falsification of signs or symptoms or induction of injury, assoicayed with id’
d deception
Presents himself to others as ill, impaired, or injured
Behavior evident even in absence of obvious external rewards
Factitious disorder on another
Presents another individual as impaired vs. self
Facititous disorders facotrs suggestive
Describes knowing well-known pepole but few visitors
Discrepancies between objective and subjective findings
Agreeable to invasive procedures
Facitious patient charactieritics and tx
Young women with family support
Lots have jobs
Single systme complaints
Psychotherapy and watch for countertransferecne
Factitituos on another pathology and tx
Maternal pathology arisis from childhood neglect and abandonment (contrast with self)
Warning signs of factitious on another
Episodes only when child is or has been wit hthe parent
Parent notably uninvolved
Parent provides false info and not reassured by neg tests
Symptoms disappear when away from the parent
False belief of being pregant associated with objective signs and symptoms of pregnancy