Solutions and suspensions Flashcards
What happens when you mix salt in water and stir it?
When stirred, the salt mixes completely with the water and cannot be seen. We say that • salt dissolves in water • salt is soluble in water
What are solutions?
Solutions are mixtures in
which soluble particles are
completely dissolved
in a liquid or gas.
When salt is mixed with water, the solid salt dissolves
into the water, forming a solution.
What is solute, solvent, and solution?
A solute (e.g. salt) is the substance that dissolves in
a solvent.
• A solvent (e.g. water) is the substance that
dissolves the solute.
• The solution (e.g. saltwater) is the mixture of the
solute and the solvent.
How do we create a solution?
Solute + Solvent = Solution
Salt + Water = Salt solution
What is soap water solution used for?
Soap + Water = Soap water solution
Everyday use:
Washing clothes
What is sugar syrup used for?
Sugar + Water = Sugar syrup
Everyday use:
tea and coffee
What are some solutions around us?
Carbonated drinks
Carbon dioxide is dissolved
in sugar solution to make
carbonated drinks.
Dyes are dissolved in
water to produce colourful
fabric dyes.
Syrup is dissolved in
water to make drinks.
What are amalgams?
•When you get a tooth cavity, dentists would usually seal it with a filling. •This would prevent bacteria from easily entering the open spaces and causing further decay. •Dental fillings are actually amalgams – a type of solution – which formed when mercury dissolves another metal (eg silver).
What are suspensions?
Suspensions are mixtures
in which insoluble particles
are suspended in
a liquid or gas.
How do we create a suspension?
+ Liquid = Suspension
Sand + Water = Sandy water
What are some suspensions that are around us?
• Here are some common examples of
antibiotics ,orange juice ,drain water
How do you separate an insoluble solid?
It is easy to separate
an insoluble solid by
filtering the mixture.
The insoluble solid cannot
pass through the filter paper
but the water can.
The sand that is trapped by the filter
paper is called the residue. The water
that passes through the filter paper is
called the filtrate.
What are the properties of solutions and suspensions?
Properties of Solutions Properties of Suspensions
• Homogeneous Not homogeneous
• Residue present after
• Separation of substances
when left to stand
• No residue after
• No separation of
solute and solvent
when left to stand•
What is solubility?
• There is a limit to the amount of solute that can
dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a given
• This limit depends on the solubility of the
• Solubility is the ability of a solute to dissolve in
a solvent.
Definition of Solubility
Solubility is the maximum amount of solute that can dissolve in 100g of solvent at a given temperature.
What are the factors that affect solubility?
- The nature of the solvent
- The nature of the solute
- Temperature
How does temperature affect solubility?
Does sugar dissolve in cold tea?
It does, but not as much as in a
cup of hot tea.
The sugar is more soluble at
higher temperatures.
• The solubility of a substance usually
increases as the temperature increases.
• Gases are unusual because their solubility
decreases when the solvent gets hotter.
What are saturated solutions?
A saturated solution is a solution that
contains the maximum amount of solute
dissolved in it at that temperature.
On cooling a saturated solution, crystals
will form.
WHat is the rate of dissolving?
The rate of dissolving is
how fast a substance
dissolves in a fixed
volume of solvent.
What are the factors that affect rate of dissolving?
- Temperature
- Rate of stirring
• Size of solute particles
Elaborate further on the factors that affect the rate of dissolving
The higher the temperature of the
solvent, the faster we can expect the
solute to dissolve.
Rate of stirring The faster the rate at which we stir the mixture, the faster we can expect the solute to dissolve. Size of solute particles The smaller the solute particles, the faster we can expect the solute to dissolve. Small particles have a larger surface area that comes into contact with the solvent.
Rate of stirring
The faster the rate at which we stir
the mixture, the faster we can expect
the solute to dissolve.