solute handeling Flashcards
explain the routes of solute transport
- paracellular transport
- solutes and fluid move between tubular epithelial cells
- transcellular transport
- solutes and fluid move through tubular epithelial cells by first crossing the apical and then basolateral membrane
explain the movement that governs paracellular transport
- solutes and fluid movmeent governed by
- permeability of the tight junctions
- “leakiness” decreases from proximal tubule to collecting duct due to differences in claudin isotypes.
- this pretains ions and water
- transepithelial chemical gradient
- transepithelial electrical gradient
- solvent drag
- water flow sweeps dissolved soluttes
- it tcan be againstt electromottive force
- permeability of the tight junctions
what are the driving forces for flow in the nephron?
- concentration gradient between the nephron an. interstitium
- we care about the difference between transepithelial (between. tight junctions)
- electrical gradient
- contributtes to the driving force
- solvent drag
- movement of water, bulk movement
draw and diagram the following and explain:
- PAH, creatinine, insulin, urea, Cl-, K+, Na+, HCO3, glucose, amino acids
- the degree of concentration in the nephron fora. given substance is not uniform across the nephron
- the degree of concentration in the nephron between solutes is not the same
how much of the following is filtered and secreted per day?
H2o, Na+, Cl-
- water
- 180L/day
- 1.5lters
- Na+
- 25200mEq/day
- 150
- Cl-
- 18000mEq/day
- 150
How can the two types of Na+ transport generate a gradient across the cell membrane from the lumen-cell-interstitial?
Transcellular and paracellular sodium transport allow for sodium to move into the cell passively, by pumping it into the interstitium. this gradient/flow is used to transport other compounds and ions back into the cells.
- transcellular
- passive Na+ transport in apical border (near lumen)
- driven by chemical gradient and transmembran potential
- Na/K pump onbasolateral side pumps the Na out into the interstitum
- paracellular
- driven by electrochemical gradient
- also moved by solvent drag, water moves
- tight junction differes between segments
- generally, decrease conductance with distance along nephron
- leaky in some locations
- driven by electrochemical gradient
percentage of H2O uptake in the following components
- PT
- Loop
- no reabsorption in the tDLH
- once fluid passes throug hduct of bellini it is no longer modified = urine
discriminate the lumenal charge difference between the early PT and late PT
- early PT
- -3mV
- Na leaks back in to the lumen
- paracellular
- late PT
- +3mV
- Na favors movment into the cells
- transcellular
diagram the PT absorption fraction
- most Na absorption occurs in PT
- ultrafiltrate is isoosmotic through out the entire PT length. However, chemical composition varies from plasma as we move away from the corpuscle
- luminal sodium increases slightly
what are two important apical membrane transporters in the early PT?
NHE3- symporter
SGLT2 - symporter
what is an important Na transporter on the basolateral membrane of the early PT?
Na/K ATPase establishes gradient
NBC1 pumps HCO3 into the interstiuim
describe the paracellular Na transport in the early PT.
Why does the Na+ in the lumen remain unchanged?
1/3 of Na leaks back into the lumen paracellularly
- important to transport solutes and glucose accross
Because water moves along with Na+, [Na]lumen remains unchanged (absolute amount through decreases)
describe Na movement in the late PT
- transcellular
- movement via NHE3
- paracellular
- route into the interstitum
- electromotive force
- the lumen is positive
describe cloride transport in the early PT
- The lumen is negative
- paracellular into interstitum
- solvent drag
- however movment is limited and anion reabsorption is dominated by HCO3
describe Cl movement in the late PT
- transcellular
- dominant route
- base/Cl- exchanger
- paracellular
- favorable gradient but is countered by EMF
- Cl-channel
- Cl/K - symporter