Soldiers & The Trenches Flashcards
What is conscription?
A person being enrolled for compulsory military service.
A were areas dug a bit B of the C lines in order to D out for E.
A: Saps
B: infront
C: front
D: listen
E: enemies
A - B ends that are a bit C the D lines, used in order to E the F.
A: Traverse
B: dead
C: behind
D: front
E: confuse
F: enemy
A Big A - ‘Going over the B’ - using a C to go over and out of the D to E.
A: Push
B: top
C: ladder
D: trenches
E: attack
WWI became a war of A due to the B, the aim being; C more of the D than they can of E.
A: attrition
B: trenches
C: kill
D: enemy
E: you
Due to the A, WWI became a B - which means that no-one was C.
A: trenches
B: stalement
C: winning
A soldier would be equipped with…
A gas mask
A rifle
A haversack
An ammunition pouch
A helmet
A Cape
An eating tin
A water bottle
A shovel
A bayonet
Daily fears included…
Constant fear of imminent death
Soldiers could be:
Crushed by a collapsed trench
Ripped to shreds by shrapnel
Cut in half by machine gun fire
Gutted by a bayonet
Blown apart by highly explosive shells
Drowned in a shell hole
Bullet through the brain
Diseases included…
Trencg foot
Trench fever
Trench conditions were ideal for A. There was plenty of B, C and D. With no proper E system the rats would F off of food G. The rats grew H and I and would even J food from a K hand.
A: rats
B: food
C: water
D: shelter
E: disposal
F: feast
G: scraps
H: bigger
I: bolder
J: steal
K: soldier’s
A was a problem for the soldiers in the trenches for the main reason that their B were made up of C/D and there was never an in-between during the E.
A: Weather
B: uniforms
C: wool
D: cotton
E: seasons
Keeping A was a problem in the trenches because they didn’t have the means necessary (B/C D) to E properly, F was very G.
A: clean
B: good
C: clean
D: water
E: wash
F: hygiene
G: low
The problem with the A was that it was often B and C. They’d continuously get the same food D again.
A: food
B: stale
C: unappetising
D: over
The problem with the A was that to kill B, C/D were put into it. It tasted E and caused F of constantly needing the G.
A: water
B: bacteria
C: chlorine
D: chemicals
E: bad
F: complaints
G: toilet
A ‘A’ was an B bad enough to send you C but not to D you. Mostly self-inflicted E and F wounds.
A: blighty
B: injury
C: home
D: kill
E: leg
F: limb
‘A shock’ was a result of being B to such extreme C that they were unable to keep D due to mental E/F.
A: Shell
B: exposed
C: horrors
D: fighting
E: damage
F: scarring