Solar System HW Flashcards
Put the planets in order of orbit semi-major axis from smallest (1) to largest (8).
1.) Mecury 2.) Venus 3.) Earth 4.) Mars 5.) Jupiter 6.) Saturn 7.) Uranus 8.) Neptune
Match the feature of a planet with the property that causes it. Length of Year
Orbit size (semi Major axis)
Match the feature of a planet with the property that causes it. Strength of seasons
tilt of the rotation axis
Match the feature of a planet with the property that causes it. Length of day
rotation rate
Match the feature of a planet with the property that causes it. Rate at which it cools
Planet size
Match the feature of a planet with the property that causes it. Surface Gravity
mass and size
The jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Netpune) have larger orbits than terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars), which means they are _______ and have a longer _______ than terrestrials
colder, year
What information do you need to know to calculate how long it takes a planet to go around the Sun?
semi-major axis
Which best describes the spacing of the planets in our solar system?
uneven, planets bunched together close to the Sun and spread out farther from the Sun
even, equal distance between planets
Which planet is halfway between the Sun and Pluto? (Another way to think of this: if you had the solar system from the Sun to Pluto on a piece of paper and folded it in half, what would be directly on the fold?)
Put the planets in order of planet size (diameter) from largest (1) to smallest (8).
Correct1. Jupiter Correct2. Saturn Correct3. Uranus Correct4. Neptune Correct5. Earth Correct6. Venus Correct7. Mars Correct8. Mercury
Which is a better description of our solar system?
the distances between planets are large compared to their sizes
The Moon formed when a protoplanet (a “baby” planet) slammed into Earth as it was still forming. Instead of forming a small Moon and large Earth, what if instead they formed two equally-sized objects that orbit each other. Since they would have the same mass and size (both smaller than Earth), what would you expect about how these two objects would cool?
They would both cool at the same rate, faster than the Earth
What causes a planet to have volcanoes?
having a molten (liquid) interior
Mercury and Mars are much smaller than Earth and Venus, so Mercury and Mars probably have
very little internal energy and inactive geology
If a planet has volcanoes and a strong global magnetic field, it must have
lots of internal energy and is probably large like Earth
Which of these is largest? Sun Earth Moon Jupiter
Compared to the Earth, Mercury and the Moon have huge differences between their day and night temperatures. Why is this?
they do not have a thick atmosphere
Say a newly-discovered terrestrial (Earth-like) planet is found to have active plate tectonics and volcanism. What characteristic of the planet explains these traits? (Hint: if the interior of a planet is going to flow to cause plate tectonics or a magnetic field, then it must be warm enough to be a liquid.)
large planet size, more like Earth and Venus
Say a newly-discovered terrestrial (Earth-like) planet is found to have powerful winds blowing at different latitudes. What characteristic of the planet explains these traits?
faster rotation rate, more like Earth and Mars
If we were studying Earth-like planets orbiting another star, we would most likely see a thick atmosphere on a
large planet farther from the star
Consider the sizes of the jovian planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) and their distances from the Sun. Which do you expect is true about their “surface” (cloud-top) temperatures and internal energy compared to Earth?
cooler “surface” temperatures, more internal energy
Planet cores are made of metal because
metal is denser than rock or gas and sank to the center of the planet
Earth’s core is about 6,400K (11,000oF), while Jupiter’s core is about 24,000K (43,000oF). Why is Jupiter’s core so much hotter than Earth’s?
there is more mass above Jupiter’s core, so the core gets crushed more
Jupiter’s core is much hotter than Earth, so it’s surface temperature should be
cooler than Earth because Jupiter is farther from the Sun than Earth
Mercury is 0.34 AU* from the Sun, Earth is 1 AU from the Sun, and Pluto is 40 AU from the Sun. Constellation stars are 25 million AU from the Sun. Our galaxy of stars is 7.6 billion AU across. Which statement is true?
*1AU = 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers
the stars making up the constellations are just those in the Milky Way galaxy nearest to the Sun
Listed below are the wind speeds at different latitudes for different planets. Which planet probably spins on its axis fastest?
Earth northern mid-latitude 130mph, equator 85mph
Saturn northern mid-latitude 280 mph, equator 840 mph
Uranus northern mid-latitude 210mph, equator 110mph