Soils Exam II Flashcards
What are the best suited purpose of each USDA land capability class? (I, II, V, and VII)
I - All
II - Intensive cultivation (some limitations)
V - No cultivation, intensive grazing
What are the 12 soil orders?
Andisol, Histosol, Vertisol, Entisol, Inceptisol, Ultisol, Oxisol, Aridisol, Gelisol, Mollisol, Alfisol, Spodosol
Soil order ending in “…ands”
Soil order ending in “…ists”
Soil order ending in “…erts”
Soil order ending in “…ids”
Soil order ending in “…els”
Soil order ending in “…olls”
Soil order ending in “…alfs”
Soil order ending in “…ods”
What is the bulk density of most mineral soils in temperate regions that are not compacted?
1.2 g/cm3
What is Volumetric water content?
The volume of water per volume of soil
Features of Andisols
Poorly cystaline clays and glass dominated
Volcanic PM
High Water holding capacity
Features of Histosols
20-30% Organic Matter by weight
Not a mineral soil
Features of Vertisols
Rich in clay
Highly susceptible to shrink/swell
Has deep cracks up to several inches wide (when dry)
Features of Entisols
No B horizon
Little or no soil development present
Soil order ending in “…ents”
Soil order ending in “…epts”
Features of Inceptisols
Has weak B horizon
Relatively young soil
Soil order ending in “…ults”
Features of Ultisols
Highly leached and weathered
Acidic forest soils
Quite old soil
Soil order ending in “…oxs”
Features of Oxisols
Contains only Oxide minerals
Not found in WA
Tropic locations
Features of Aridisols
Contains large amounts of CaCO3
Some subsurface horizon development
Dry most of the year