Soil Horizons/Taxonimy Flashcards
A horizon
Topsoil. Mineral components and organic matter… leaches into lower horizons. Darker
Subsurface layer that is light in color and low in iron oxide
Eludirlo horizons, weekly developed souls structure. Coarse
Type of souls found in semi-arid to humid regions.
Subsurface horizons with high accumulation of clay
Base saturation of at least 35% in subsoil
Volcanic soils high in glass and coloidal materials
High water holding, good for nutrients and plant growth
Can fix large amounts of phosphorous, not available to plants
Mineral soil horizon with a buildup of silicate clays. Humid and sun humid subregions with alternating wet dry periods
May contain one or more BT horizons
Dry for most of growing season. Salt accumulation near the surface
Dry, desert like soils. Low organic content,limited salt and drought tolerant vegetation.
Light in color
Significant accumulation of translocated silicate clay, salts, sodium ions
B horizon
Below A, accumulated weathered materials from a horizon. Soil processes! Most different from parent materials
Accumulation of aluminum-oxide minerals typically formed from extensive leaching under warm tropical environment
C and Cr horizons
Partially weathered parent material.
Cr is soft bedrock, weathered but maintaining its original shape
Calcic Horizon
Mineral soil horizon with evidence of calcium carbonate deposition more than 15cm thick. 5 percent more than parent material or horizons below it
Accumulation of secondary (pedogenic) carbonate in arid and to semi arid soil
Cambic Horizon
A diagnostic subsurface horizon with very weak, incipient soil genesis.
Expressed as B horizons that differ from the A or C horizons only in structure, color or difference in texture
Very could soil or subsurface horizon that’s permanently frozen
Diagnostic soil horizon
Cementation by illuvial silica into a subsurface hard pan.
E horizon
Mineral horizon present in forested areas… loss of silicate clays, iron, aluminum from leaching and roots
Solid with little or no evidence of soil development. No horizons, just parent material
Top layer of soil, higher in organic material
Soils that contain permafrost near the surface,