Soil Forming Factors Flashcards
What are soil forming factors?
The things that affect the way soil is being made or formed all the time☺️
How many years does it take to form 10mm of soil?
200 years
Name the five main soil forming factors.
- topographical/ Geographical factors ( R)
- Climatic factors ( CL)
- Biological factors ( O)
-Parent material ( P) - Time( T)
What are geographical factors? Why are they important?
They are the shape of land and affect where the soil is formed
Name features of geographical factors?
Aspect or direction
Altitude or height
Angle of slope
What is altitude? How does it contribute to soil formation?
It is the height of land above sea level.
Temperatures on the upper surface are very extreme and fluctuate continuously. They are cold at night and very hot in the day. The continuous contraction and expansion of rocks on mountains causes the rocks to weaken and over time weather
What is the angle of slope? How does it affect soil formation?
It is how steep or gradual/ gentle the slope is. The is more soil formation on gentle slope that steep slopes because gentle slopes hold on to water and when mixed with water they cause hydrolysis
What is aspect or direction? How does it affect soil formation?
It is the direction that the slope faces.
Slopes facing the north are warmer and evaporation rate is higher rather than South facing slopes that are wetter and cooler. The is more weathering on South facing slopes because of hydrolysis and carbonation. The amount of rain also affects the decomposition process
Which slopes weather more? Facing towards the sea or away from the sea.
Towards the sea.
Because the amount of rainfall they receive is higher than those facing away from the sea resulting in hydrolysis and carbonation
What are climatic factors?
Factors that affect the long term weather patterns of an area.
Name the climatic factors.
How does temperature and rainfall affect soil formation?
Fluctuating temperatures causes rocks to expand and contract continuously weakening them and then they eventually crack and begin to weather
Rainfall affects soil formation by hydrolysis and carbonation which weakens the rocks and make them weather leading to soil formation
How does wind and sunlight contribute to soil formation?
Wind speeds up soil formation and weathering by blowing particles from one place to another.
Sunlight affects soil formation by hotter temperatures and moisture leading to faster decomposition and weathering
How does humidity contribute to soil formation?
It increases the rate of decomposition of organic matter
What are biological or organisms factor?
They are factors caused by living organisms that contribute to soil formation.
List the biological factors that contribute to soil formation.
Human activities