Soil, Agriculture, and the Future of Food Flashcards
What percentage of the largest universities/colleges in the U.S. have their own campus farm?
about 70%
Food security
guarantee of adequate, safe, nutritious, and reliable food supply available to everyone at all times
Food production ability vs. population (about)
increasing faster than population but may have an upper limit reached before population growth slows and much soil/arable land is declining or has been claimed already
fewer calories than the minimum requirement; affects nearly 800 million people
What factors contribute to undernutrition?
poverty, political obstacles, regional conflicts/wars, inefficiencies in distribution, energy choices (i.e., when cropland is used for biofuels)
too many calories per day; leads to weight gain and possible health problems
What major factor contributes to overnutrition?
increased availability of highly processed food that is high in calories (though nutrient-poor) and more affordable
shortage of the nutrients the body needs (proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals)
the practice of raising crops and livestock for human use and consumption (on cropland and rangeland, respectively)
What percentage of the Earth’s surface is used for agriculture?
38% (more than any other human activity); globally 26% rangeland and 12% cropland; about 1/2 of all land in U.S. used
Traditional agriculture
cultivating, harvesting, storing and distributing crops using human/animal muscle power, hand tools and simple machines; typically involves planting polycultures
Industrial agriculture
large-scale mechanization and fossil fuel use, replacement of animals by machinery, increased irrigation, and the introduction of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides in agriculture; now on 25% of all cropland; decreases food prices; involves monocultures for organization and efficiency
a mix of different crops
one type of crop (increases the risk of diseases and pests due to genetic similarity; narrows the world’s diet and decreases diversity as 90% food now from just 15 crops and 8 livestock species)
Seed banks
institutions that preserve millions of seed types to conserve wild/indigenous varieties of crops in case their genes are needed later (also protects them from gene exchange with genetically modified varieties)
Green Revolution (later 20th century)
a movement aiming to increase food quantity and quality especially in developing countries using new technology, crop varieties and farming practices
Relationship between energy used for agriculture and total area cultivated (1900-2000) + effects
energy up 80x while area only up 1/3 due to industrialization; decreased pressure to cultivate more varieties and increased food production while low area increase meant preserved habitats and biodiversity; increased the use of fossil fuels, water, inorganic fertilizers, and synthetic pesticides which increased pollution and erosion + decreased soil/water quality; suitable land for agriculture is finite so efficiency must be increased (industrial agriculture is in some form necessary)
Sustainable agriculture
maintains soil, water, pollinators, and genetic diversity for long-term agricultural production; tries to mimic the cyclical nature of ecosystem function where negative feedback loops stabilize it; aims for low-input of fossil fuels, water, pesticides, fertilizers, growth hormones, and antibiotics; decreases production cost by letting nature provide ecosystem services (e.g., by creating habitats for insect predators)
a mixture of disintegrated rock, organic matter, water, gases, nutrients and microorganisms; 50% minerals, 5% organic matter, rest = pore space taken up by air or water (organic includes living + dead + decaying)
Process of soil formation
parent material of lithosphere is exposed to the effects of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and/or biosphere and breaks down by weathering; biological activity then turns to soil through deposition, decomposition and accumulation of organic matter
a continuous mass of solid rock that makes up the Earth’s crust
a soil-like mixture resulting from partial decomposition of organic matter mixing with mineral matter; still contains complex compounds that have to be broken down for plants to use them; holds moisture well
Rate of soil generation
one inch may take 100s-1000s of years; renewable but not regained quickly
Soil horizons
distinct layers of the soil that form as wind, water and organisms move particles of it
Soil profile
a cross-section of all the soil horizons from the surface to bedrock
Order of soil horizons (top to bottom)
O (organic/litter), A (topsoil), E (eluviated/leaching), B (subsoil), C (weathered parent material), R (parent rock)
All soils have all 6 soil horizons.
method by which minerals are transported down through the soil; solid particles are suspended or dissolved in a liquid; in some soils minerals do this so rapidly that plants can’t access the nutrients carried; can then enter groundwater supply
Which soil horizons have the most living organisms?
O and A horizons
Which soil horizon is the most nutritive for plants?
A horizon (has organic and mineral content; rich in humus so dark color, loose texture + great water-holding capacity); crucial for agriculture but unsustainable use = decreased organic matter, fertility and water
Effects of climate on soil characteristics
more rainfall = more leaching, higher temperature = faster decomposition and nutrient uptake (both decrease topsoil quality); why rainforests lose fertility so quickly when cleared for agriculture
Swidden/slash-and-burn agriculture
involves burning the vegetation in an area before growing crops there in order to release the nutrients that are largely held within them; depends on short-term use of the land (let it grow back and move somewhere else within a year or a few); conversion of cleared plots to pasture instead increasing, degrades soil
Soil fertility in North American grasslands
less rainfall and steady decomposition = repeated use for farming with little fertility loss if soil loss is prevented
the artificial provision of water to support agriculture; used to maintain yields and convert dry land to fertile land
Rate of irrigation
has increased with industrialization; 70% of withdrawn freshwater is used on crops; can dry up aquifers, rivers and lakes
when overirrigation causes the water table to rise enough to drown plant roots
the buildup of salts in surface soil layers; in dry areas evaporation from the A horizon can pull water upwards and leave salt behind there, thus decreasing productivity; affects 20% of irrigated cropland
Reduction of water use in irrigation
done by matching crops with climate, collecting rainwater for use and using technology; government subsidies in dry areas make extensive irrigation artificially inexpensive on high-water crops but lots of water is lost through evaporation; plants only use about 40% of the water applied globally as the rest evaporates or is soaked too deep into the soil, but drip irrigation systems target plant roots and increase efficiency to 90%+
provides nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other essential nutrients to plants where leaching and uptake has removed them from the soil; can be inorganic (mined or synthetically manufactured) or organic (from remains or wastes of organisms, including manure, crop residues, fresh vegetation/”green manure” and compost)
produced when decomposition breaks down organic matter in a controlled environment (“closed-loop” systems recycle waste)
Reduction of excessive fertilizer use
need to target plant roots, as with water; may add to drip irrigation water, inject with seeds (as in no-till farming), monitor levels and add sparingly, or plant buffer strips of vegetation on field edges to capture nutrient runoff
Precision agriculture
uses technology to precisely monitor crop conditions and needs + resource use to maximize production and minimize waste
Pros and cons of organic fertilizer
provides nutrients as well as organic matter that improves soil structure, nutrient retention and water retention; excess means excess nitrogen/phosphorus that may also enter runoff and cause pollution; might be best to use organic and inorganic fertilizers together
Soil degradation
a decrease in the quality and productivity of soil; especially happens in dry areas
Population increase vs. soil degradation per year
increase of 80 million people, loss of 5-7 million ha productive cropland (caused by erosion, nutrient loss, water scarcity, salinization, waterlogging, chemical pollution, structure and pH changes, and organic matter loss)
Effects of erosion and deposition on soil
both create soil but erosion on a local level happens faster than formation and thins the most important layer for life (topsoil); increases with angle of land, precipitation and less vegetation
Movement of soil by human activities
10x more than all natural processes on Earth combined