Soil Flashcards
Why is soil considered a resource?
Soil helps in cultivation of food crops and cash crops hence it is considered a resource.
Name the components of soil and their uses.
Mineral matter: Provides nutrients to plants. Soil Moisture: Helps in dissolving minerals for absorption. Soil Air: Aids in root respiration. Humus: Retains moisture and enhances nutrient levels.
State the different soil textures and their advantages and disadvantages. Sandy
Well aerated
State the different soil textures and their advantages and disadvantages. Loamy
Well aerated and good moisture retention
State the different soil textures and their advantages and disadvantages. Clay
High in moisture retention
Why is soil profile thin on a mountain slope?
On a mountain slope soil particles tend to move downward due to gravity resulting in a thin soil profile compared to plains where accumulation occurs.
What is soil profile? Why is erosion of topsoil harmful?
Soil profile is the longitudinal section of soil consisting of topsoil, subsoil, weathered material, and bedrock. Erosion of topsoil is harmful because it provides most nutrients to plants.
State two differences between residual and transported soils. State one example of each.
Residual soils resemble bedrock formed due to weathering. Transported soils resemble the rock type from which they eroded formed due to deposition. Example: Black soil (residual), Alluvium (transported).
ALLUVIAL SOIL: State three advantages.
Rich in lime and potash annually replenished during flooding moisture retentive.
ALLUVIAL SOIL: Distinguish between Khadar and Bhangar.
Khadar is more fertile Bhangar is less fertile.
ALLUVIAL SOIL: Distinguish between Alluvial Soil and Black Soil.
Alluvial Soil: Texture can be clayey loamy or sandy. Black Soil: Texture is clayey.
ALLUVIAL SOIL: How is the soil of Ganga delta different from Godavari delta?
Ganga delta soil is light brown/yellow while Godavari delta soil is black. Ganga soil is finer than Godavari soil particles.
Why is black soil plowed in May and not in June?
In May black soil dries and develops deep cracks making it easier to plow. In June after the first showers it becomes sticky and difficult to plow.
Why is black soil called black cotton soil?
It is suitable for cotton cultivation due to its moisture-retentive nature and rich mineral content.
Why is black soil called self-plowing?
In May black soil develops deep cracks turning itself over and exposing underlying layers making plowing unnecessary.
Why is red soil suitable for dry farming?
It is clayey and moisture retentive found in areas with low rainfall.
Why is laterite soil infertile?
It lacks nitrogen and moisture retention due to coarse texture and leaching.
What is gully erosion? Why is it harmful?
Gully erosion is the formation of deep ravines due to unchecked rainwater flow. It is harmful as it leads to significant soil loss and renders land unusable.
What is a landslide?
A sudden downward movement of weathered rock debris and soil on a steep hill slope usually caused by heavy rainfall.
Why should soil erosion be controlled?
Soil erosion should be controlled to conserve essential soil resources for crop cultivation and prevent environmental damage such as river choking and flooding.
Explain the terms Contour plowing Terrace farming Strip cultivation Shelter belt.
Contour plowing: Plowing along the same elevation to create low furrows. Terrace farming: Cutting hill slopes into steps for flat farmland. Strip cultivation: Cultivating different crops in alternating rows. Shelter belt: Planting trees at farm borders to check wind speed.
Suggest methods to control soil erosion.
Afforestation Avoidance of fallow Contour bunding Plugging of gullies.
State the differences Sheet Erosion vs. Slip Erosion Rill erosion vs. Gully erosion Black Soil vs. Red Soil.
Please refer to the previous answer. (Answered as a list)