SOGs Flashcards
Confined space 418
All personnel entering a confined space shall don the following:(3)
Wear a full body harness
Wear an SCBA or SAR
Have a lifeline attached
High rise 407
Search and rescue
Every room searched and confirmed to be clear a second time shall be marked with a letter ____ upon exiting.
Mass casualty 413
________officer-coordinates the re-triage of all victims
Treatment officer
Mass casualty 413
Staging officer
Will perform duties as outlined in FOG #___
FOG #7
High rise 407
The fire attack teams should be reinforced with ______.
Additional fire attack teams
Confined space 418
The potential for a _____ atmosphere should be a primary consideration.
Flammable atmosphere
Personnel accountability 404
_____ is ultimately responsible for accountability at all incidents
The IC
Hazmat 411
Medical surveillance/rehab
These personnel will be observed in the rehab area for ____________.(Time)
Respirator protection 421
The air quality from compressors, cascade system cylinders, storage receivers, and other such breathing air manufacturing or storage equipment used for filling SCBA cylinders shall be tested _______________.
AT LEAST every 3 months
High rise 407
If elevators are used in any capacity other than the initial ascent, they shall have a firefighter operator assigned and be in the ______ mode.
Fire service mode
High rise 407
1st suppression chief
Assume command (ensure a ____ as well as a _____ has been initiated if a confirmed fire). Establish a ____ staging area. The IC must ensure the following tasks and assignments are assigned to the remainder of the 1st alarm assignment:(7)
2nd or 3rd alarm as well as a level-1 MCI
Level II
Water supply into FDC
Safety officer
EMS group
Assign fire floor chief(radio designation “forward ops”)
Assign lobby control chief
If necessary assign suppression officer to “panel control”
Hazmat 411
Incident termination
The ______________ should maintain security at the scene to prevent accidental contamination or injury to civilians. This security area will be determined by the ____…
Air transportation unit 415
When possible, the ____backboards are preferable for patient loading.
Narrow/tapered backboards
Hazmat 411
Authority at a hazmat incident is derived from the ____________________, which defines the general responsibilities of responding agencies within the city of Jacksonville, including the four ______.
Interagency hazardous materials response SOG
Urban service districts
Automated skyway express 420
Cars run on a ____beam system and are held in place by the force of the guidance wheels on the monorail beam.
Monorail beam system
Personnel accountability 404
JFRD riding list
The list will contain the following:(4)
The name of each personnel listed by seat/job position, SCBA number, and portable radio number
Company/unit number
Confined space 418
Oxygen levels _____________
Open top spaces _________
BELOW 19.5% OR ABOVE 23.5%
Shipboard fire/incidents 449
Chief officer assignments
1st arriving suppression chief
2nd arriving suppression chief
3rd arriving suppression chief
4th and later arriving suppression chiefs
1st arriving rescue chief
2nd and later arriving rescue chiefs
1st arriving suppression chief
2nd arriving suppression chief
Incident safety officer
3rd arriving suppression chief
Operations section chief
4th and later arriving suppression chiefs
Contact command
1st arriving rescue chief
EMS section chief
2nd and later arriving rescue chiefs
Contact command
Hazmat 411
Any apparatus that becomes contaminated must be decontaminated within the ________.
Decon zone
Confined space 418
Personnel should await the arrival of a _____ before making entry into the confined space if any of the following exist:
The victim is obviously _____
The victim is out of the ______
Entry cannot be made with the ______ properly donned.
District chief
Line of sight
Hazmat 411
Establishing _____ is required by ___law and is not an option.
A ___must be designated to monitor operations. This is required by ____law and is not an option.
Establishing incident command
Federal law
Designating a safety officer
Federal law
Elevator emergencies 417
Fire in an elevator machine room
To protect any passengers, all cars should be brought to the _______, passengers removed, and the elevator secured.
Next lowest landing
Structure fire/signal 25 406
A ___________________ is of utmost importance at every structure fire.
A thorough on scene report
Infection control 422
Situations in which ___ of blood or other body fluids make contact with clothing/uniforms will warrant removal of clothing as soon as possible. If clothing is _____, immediate removal is required prior to leaving the scene
Mass casualty 413
Mci levels
MCI level 1- 5-10 victims
MCI level 2- 11-20 victims
MCI level 3- 21-100 victims
MCI level 4- 101-1000 victims
MCI level 5- over 1000 victims or when regional resources are exhausted or overwhelmed
Incident command 403
Specialty chiefs at their discretion may choose not to assume command at incidents involving their specialty, as their skills will be needed as a ________ for the operation.
Group supervisor
RIT 408
Squads will act as primary rit along with _____________________ to form the RIT GROUP
RIT 408
Squads will act as primary rit along with 4th engine and 2nd ladder to form the RIT GROUP
Bomb/WMD investigation 424
If it is suspected or determined that an incident was caused by a bomb, JFRD personnel will not enter the perimeter until cleared by the ______. Exceptions to this are ______ locations. The JFRD _____ will make this determination.
Bomb squad supervisor
High hazard locations
JFRD incident commander
Automated skyway express 420
The doors have _____windows and the cars remaining windows are made of ____
Tempered glass
Wild land fires 409
Structure triage
A structure may be deemed hopeless when one of the following exists:(3)
-25% or more of the roof involved
-water supply low
-personnel safety at risk
Structure fire/signal 25 406
All incidents dispatched as structure fires that involve FLAME damage to the structure will also require the ARRIVAL of:
-2 engines/squads (3 for commercial structure)
-1 ladder
To ensure needed GPM and support functions
Communications 401
____ may suggest and coordinate with the _____ for unit transfers to depleted areas and for standby assignments.
Fire chiefs
FRCC supervisor
Hurricane 410
No authorization shall be granted in advance for any citizen or family member to obtain shelter in a JFRD facility without the expressed permission of the __________. During the storm, temporary shelter in a JFRD facility may be authorized if, in the opinion of _____, refusal to grant refuge would place the individual in danger.
Appropriate division chief
The officer in charge
Hurricane 410
Post landfall operations
Support personnel
________personnel will report to their assigned work locations.
______will be assigned to conduct inspections in damaged areas.
Mobilization of the _____may be necessary. Their activation is primarily the responsibility of the _____ but may be initiated by _________.
Clerical and civilian personnel will contact ________ to determine when and in what capacity their services will be needed.
Prevention division personnel
Fire inspectors
HQ Fire Group Supervisor
Anyone who perceives the need
Fire Group Supervisor
Incident command 403
Command will designate _____ to establish an area of rehabilitation per SOG 436
Rescue personnel on scene
Wildland fires 409
On wildland fires covering large areas, ___ may be established to control operations in areas remote from the command post.
Hostage situation 425
Company officers and crew shall stay with the apparatus and not leave unless directed by the ____. JFRD personnel ordered to report to the ________ for functions other than EMS shall wear full structural PPE.
Inner perimeter
Confined space 418
____ responsible for securing all utilities and mechanical processes.
Lockout/tag out
Crime scene 426
Size up
_________ is a major factor in preserving and protecting crime scenes; it must be maintained to assure the safety of everyone involved.
Personnel must be aware that incidents ____ to the commission of a crime are a possibility
Situational awareness
Aircraft incidents 432
Station 56 ARFF units use _____ for unit to unit communications
RIT 408
Size up
During softening operation the rit oic should maintain a _____ member team including themselves, uncommitted for rapid deployment and reduced fatigue
High rise 407
Attack one operational priority
Advance to the ___________. Periodically check the conditions on the lower floors while ascending. The ___________ shall be a mandatory brief stop. Survey the _____ and take note of the standpipe _______. Also determine the feasibility of this location being used as a forward ______.
Landing 2 floors below the reported fire location x2
Floor plan
Standpipe valve type
Forward staging area
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Primary suppression apparatus
The first ____ engines companies at a residential structure fire or the first _____ engine companies at a commercial structure fire.
_________ arriving ladder company(s) at all structure fires.
2 engines, 3 engines, the first arriving ladder company
High rise 407
Initial ladder company operational priorities
Their top priorities will be :(4)
Forcible entry
Search and rescue
Checking for extension
Communications 401
Company/unit transfers
In the combined territories of stations ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___, ____ fully staffed engine companies and ____ fully staffed ladder company(s) shall be maintained at all times.
1,2,4,5, and 9, two fully staffed engine companies and 1 fully staffed ladder company
Automated skyway express 420
Skyway cars
Emergency walkways are ______inches-________inches wide and are provided on the _____ side of the cars throughout the system.
18 inches-30 inches wide
Inboard side
Communications 401
Administrative and chief officers have programmable 800 MHz tier ___ (_____ )portable radios that are capable of scanning multiple flights and talk groups simultaneously. Field units have _____Tier_____ portables.
Tier 3 (display)
Non-display Tier 1
Communications 401
FRCC will designate a flight and talk group for incidents requiring ________ units.
5 or more
Air transportation unit 415
Radio communications
The ground guide shall contact the ATU using the frequency assigned by FRCC (often _______)
Open burning 427
Citation instructions
Citation parts 1-8 and who receives which color copy
Part 1
Information regarding identity of person or facility causing offense
Part 2
Information regarding identity of person served with this citation
Part 3
Relationship of person served to person causing offense
Part 4
Location of offense
Part 5
Part 6
Narrative of the offense
Part 7
Agents signature, time served, date
Part 8
Signature of person being served
White copy
Hand delivered to division chief of fire prevention
Pink copy
To person cited
Yellow copy
Hand delivered to division chief of fire prevention
Infection control 422
Contaminated surfaces
Routine surfaces and equipment should be _____ with ________ and rinsed with _____________.
Scrubbed with HOT, soapy water and rinsed with a 1:100 solution of household bleach in water
Structure fire/signal 25 406
2nd arriving suppression chief:(2)
Counsel with the IC
Assume position of ISO unless directed otherwise
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Post-fire gross decon will be conducted in accordance with SOG___. The ________ shall ensure that post-fire decon is performed prior to members reporting to rehab.
SOG 450
The rescue district/battalion chief on scene
Hazmat 411
The ____zone will be restricted to essential personnel and equipment only.
Hazmat 411
The decon officer is responsible for the required decontamination procedures, which include the following:(4)
Establishing the ________
Determining on scene ____requirements
Coordinating with command, the hazmat team, and the safety officer regarding the use of _____ by those operating in both the hot zone and the decon sector.
Ensuring personnel exit hot zone through the ______
Decontamination sector
On scene air requirements
Use of proper PPE
Through the decon sector
High rise 407
Attack teams shall connect to the standpipe outlet at the ____ below the fire floor.
Aircraft incidents 432
Over wing entry
A ________ ladder is the preferred ladder for ingress/egress for responders.
24 ft extension ladder
Hurricane 410
The delivery of emergency services may be terminated when operations expose personnel to _________.
When it is determined that conditions are unsafe due to ______and/or_____, all emergency responses will be suspended.
Unsafe conditions
Heavy winds and/or rising water
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Used to denote a working structure fire. This incident requires the response of a Full or Maximum Full assignment.
Personnel accountability 404
Multiple alarms
Multiple alarms will present the IC with an increase in companies and personnel. The IC should quickly:
request from FRCC a _____ of the _________ companies
-announce on the air a _______ area and location
-Start dividing the fire ground into _______
-assign _______ and ________ leaders
-each _________ should keep track of companies assigned to them
-if needed, the leader can assign a _________ to collect riding lists
-request from FRCC a list of the second alarm companies
-announce on the air a staging area and location
-Start dividing the fire ground into divisions
-assign groups and group leaders
-each group/division should keep track of companies assigned to them
-if needed, the leader can assign a runner to collect riding lists
High rise 407
Minimum tools and equipment
1st due (roof team)
-6’ hook
-elevator keys
-rope rescue gear
-60v cut off tool
2nd due (RIT)
-6’ hook
-elevator keys
-search rope
-60v cut off tool
-Rae meter
-RIT light
-RIT bag
-spare bottle per squad member to be placed in lobby
High rise 407
_______ ladder companies will complete the ventilation process
Later arriving
Confined space 418
The first arriving unit will:
1. Establish _____
2. _____the incident
3. Determine the condition of the _____ prior to entry
4. Determine the condition of the _____
5. Initiate the _______.
Establish command
Size up the incident
Condition of the victim
Condition of the atmosphere
Appropriate action
Vehicle operations 402
Before the vehicle is permitted to move, the _____ will confirm that all personnel and riders are onboard, wearing ppe if necessary, and wearing seatbelts.
Company officer
Mass casualty 413
First arriving unit
Will perform duties as outlined in FOG #____
Establish command FOG #____
High rise 407
Forward staging (suppression ____)
Hazmat 411
Decontamination agents and the degree of decon will be determined by the ______.
Hazmat team
Automated skyway express 420
FRCC will advise ____to respond to the control room.
Closest unit to the skyway control center
Emergency incident rehabilitation 436
Rehab 37 will be dispatched on _______ or greater or at the request of the IC. ____ along with ________ will be dispatched to manage the rehabilitation process.
2nd alarms OR GREATER
1 additional rescue unit along with 1 additional rescue chief
Respirator protection 421
A __or__ must protect units stored in compartments.
Cover or shroud
Hazmat 411
JFRD personnel or civilians requiring medical treatment must undergo decon before ______.
Before boarding any JFRD apparatus.
Structure fire/signal 25 406
First arriving ladder
Position ladder with the following in mind:(5)
Aerial placement
Intended use
Expected progression of fire
Width needed for jack deployment
Overhead wires
Hostage situation 425rescue units will be assigned a position within the ___perimeter designated by the JFRD IC
Automated skyway express 420
Additional equipment required
Engines- portable extinguishers
Ladders-rope, forcible entry tools, appropriate extinguishers
Hazmat 411
Zoning will be divided into ____distinct areas, determined by the ________.
Hazmat team
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Disposition code delta
Once 45 minutes has expired, the unit will be automatically placed back into service by _________.
Confined space 418
Entry rescue team- they will stage in close proximity to the ______
Entry/exit point
Mass casualty 413
MCI ___ is a trailer that is housed at station —-. It carries equipment for long term needs throughout the region.
MCI 32
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Structure fires within complexes that utilize private hydrants require the ______ arriving engine to stage on a municipal hydrant outside the complex.
Third arriving engine
Hostage situation 425
The engine company’s ____ shall secure an adequate water supply and be prepared to lay out. This officer will ensure that the route is unimpeded by contacting the ______(______).
Liaison officer(safety officer)
Hurricane 410
JFRD activities will fall under the ____branch of the EOC’s _____section. JFRD will establish the ____ group and the ____ group under the ——branch. Within this branch, the JFRD will also assist the Duval county health department with the EMS responsibilities of the _____group.
Emergency services branch
Operations section
Firefighting group and the hazmat group
Health and medical group
Infection control 422
Biohazardous waste
Requests for pick up shall be submitted when the large containers at the station are full or after _____ since the last pick up, whichever comes first.
AFTER 1 month since the last pick up
High rise 407
Minimum tools and equipment
Extra alarm squad:
If assigned rit, duplicate 2nd due squads equipment. If assigned engine duties, bring engine company equipment
High rise 407
Once in triage, all patients and evacuees will be treated per MCI SOG 413. The radio designation for this function will be _____ and will be managed by the ______.
EMS group
Rescue district chief on scene
Bomb/WMD investigation 424
JSO bomb suit
There are two _____handles. One that is visible on the ____and another on the side under the _____.
Quick release handles
Under the left arm
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Returning tankers to service
Tankers can be returned to service prior to arrival if any of the following circumstances exist:(3)
-there is a confirmed, working hydrant within 1000’ of involved structure
-the fire is extinguished prior to the arrival of tankers
-there is no fire present
Mass casualty 413
_____officer-ensure you have sufficient personnel to move victims to the treatment area.
Treatment officer
Hurricane 410
Off-duty personnel
When a _______ is issued for duval county, JFRD personnel shall:
Make preparations to their domicile
Keep a close watch on the direction of the storm
Have all personal and family matters secured
Call their assigned stations and report that they are aware of the potential threat and advise of their availability for recall
Hurricane watch
Communications 401
Power failures at the station shall be reported to ____. Field personnel shall inform _____ as soon as the power is restored.
Fire alarm 456
Sprinkler head replacement
If there are no spare heads, JFRD will replace it with the most appropriate sprinkler head that is available on scene in order to place the system back in service. This information shall be relayed to the following:
Alarm monitoring service
Building representative if on scene
Documented on the JFRD run report
District chief of prevention
Confined space 418
______ shall determine the appropriate PPE to be worn on all entries.
Incident commander
Automated skyway express 420
Skyway control center
The skyway express control center building is located at___________.
725 Leila St.
RIT 408
Technical rescue team
The initial entry rit will be a recon team of ___________ members
Hurricane 410
Response hazards
_______(leading cause of death during hurricanes)
________(second leading cause of death during hurricanes)
Streets filled with____
Low water____
Drowning(leading cause of death during hurricanes)
Electrical hazards(second leading cause of death during hurricanes)
Streets filled with debris
No phone service
No electrical power
Low water pressure
Gas and chemical leaks
Radio antennas destroyed
Hurricane 410
Secure station and apparatus
Hurricane watch
- Secure all first floor windows
- Secure all loose items at and around station
- Have all reserve apparatus fueled and fully loaded
- Designated stations should make preparations to evacuate
Mass casualty 413
Treatment officer
Will perform duties as outlined in FOG #___
FOG #5
Elevator emergencies 417
All elevator cars are required to have ____exits
Top exits
Train derailments 412
Rail maps with mile markers shall be kept by ____ to aid in locating incidents.
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Subdividing incidents
Examples of common task oriented groups:
-Search and rescue group
-Attack group
-Water supply group
-Ventilation group
-Air supply group
Respirator protection 421
Chiefs and company officers will ensure that personnel under their supervision are:
Trained ________ until proficient enough to don the SCBA within _____ minutes
Quarterly; within 2 minutes
Incident command 403
Level II staging
The staging officer shall coordinate with _________ for available resources on scene.
Structure fire/signal 25 406
All structure fires that involve FLAME damage to the structure will require the response of _________________.
A suppression district/battalion chief
Vehicle operations 402
Warning devices
Between the hours of ____ and ____, siren use should be limited…
0100 and 0600
Confined space 418
______ is the surrounding and effective capture of a person by a liquid or flowable solid.
High rise 407
In order to properly manage the extra alarm companies, command shall establish the following:(3)
IC aide (location:command post)
Forward staging officer (2 floors below fire floor)
Exterior staging officer (level 2 staging)
Open burning 427
Burning not requiring permits
A recreational fire…and the total fuel area is not exceeding ______________.
Not exceeding 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height
Automated skyway express 420
Skyway control center
There will be no operator on duty at the skyway control center from _______ until ___________.
2330 Friday night until 0400 Monday morning
Communication 401
Digital vehicular repeater system
DVRS channels?
High rise 407
Fire attack teams
The _____ is formed by the first and second arriving engine companies. The first engine shall enter the lobby with their high rise equipment. The second engine company shall bring a duplicate set of high rise equipment as a _________.
Initial fire attack team
Back up only
Infectious exposures 423
JFRD exposure report: filled out by __________. The _______ copy is placed in the employees confidential medical file. The _______ copy is given to the employee
Health and safety officer
Automated skyway express 420
Skyway cars
Each vehicle is comprised of __________________ cars permanently linked together. Total vehicle capacity is________________.
Two cars (an “A” car and a “B” car)
56 people or 28 per car
Aircraft incidents 432
Military aircraft hazards
Certain military aircraft(____) use _______ in the Emergency Power Unit.
Approach all military aircraft from a _________ angle from the nose or tail.
F-16 use hydrazine
45 degree
Automated skyway express 420
Intercoms are located at the ____ and ___ of the skyway control center building.
Front gate and front door
High Rise 407
Standpipe and sprinkler operations
Building design and limitation
There are _____ different performance standards for standpipes based on the year of construction…the oldest standard which only guarantees ____ PSI minimum outlet pressure.
2 different performance standards, 65 psi
Hurricane 410
Post landfall operations
After landfall, or other major disasters, delay defined commitment of resources until_____can be completed.
An initial size up
High rise 407
Hose shall be flaked up the stairwell to the _______ above the fire and returned to the fire floor door prior to charging.
Marine operation 431
The JFRDs primary Marine units are housed at stations ____, ____, and ____. JFRD primary marine vessels include the following:
Jake Godbold
Robert F. Kiley
37 ft boat
29 ft boat
Stations 38, 39, and 40
Robert F. Kiley
Length: 70 ft 10 in
Beam: 22 ft
Draft: 3ft 10 in
Fire pump: 14000 GPM
1-3/4 in, 2-1/2 in, and 5 in discharges as well as 4 fixed monitors
Foam application and storage capabilities
Heated/air conditioned patient care area
Full compliment of marine electronics including FLIR
Jake Godbold
Length: 50 ft
Beam: 15 ft 10 in.
Draft: 2.5 ft
Fire pump:6000 GPM
1-3/4 in, 2-1/2 in, and 5 in discharges as well as 4 fixed monitors
Foam application and storage capabilities
Heated/ air conditioned patient care area
Full compliment of marine electronics including FLIR
37 foot boat
Length: 37 ft
Beam: 10ft 5in
Draft: 2ft 18in
Fire pump: 1500 GPM
Two 5 in discharges and roof mounted monitor
CBRNE monitoring equipment
Heated/air conditioned patient care area
Full compliment of marine electronics including side scan sonar
Landing craft design
29 Foot boat
Length: 29 ft
Beam: 10ft 2in
Draft: 3ft 2in
Fire pump: 1250 GPM
2-1/2 in. And 5in discharges as well as one fixed monitor
Foam application capabilities
Heated/air conditioned patient care area
19 ft rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB)
Side scan sonar
Other JFRD marine assets
Station 32 (marine 32)-Jon boat and trailer
Station 38 (marine 38)-20ft shallow water “mud boat”,14’ RHIB on trailer
Station 39 (marine 39)-Jon boat on a lift
Station 40 (marine 40)-14 ft RHIB on a trailer
Station 42 (marine 42)-Jon boat on a trailer
Air transportation unit 415
The ground guide shall provide the following to the ATU pilot:(3)
Location-distance/direction from roads/landmarks/apparatus
Definition-terrain and slope
Obstructions-wires/light poles/trees
Air transportation unit 415
Once the ATU pilot _____, the ground guide shall move completely out of the way while maintaining visual contact.
Confirms the landing area is in sight
Elevator emergencies 417
The top guide shoes may be removed to permit more movement. They are fastened to the crosshead by _____
Four bolts
Mass casualty 413
MCI ____ is a trailer that is housed at station —- it carries an assortment of equipment and supplies for immediate needs on JIA property.
MCI 16
Confined space 418
________ is of utmost importance…
Pre-entry planning
Confined space 418
Due to the potential for structural instability, special caution must be taken if there has been ______.
External flooding
For a scheduled evacuation from a JFRD facility, the _____ will ensure that the following precautions have been met:(1-5)
- Board up windows and openings
- Secure outside objects
- Leave bay doors open
- Coordinate with the public building division to shut off water, electricity, and gas at the master shutoff
- Notify FRCC of closing
Wildland fires 409
Command post
The site selected for the command post should allow good ___ and ___ of vehicles. The site should also have a clear area large enough to ______. Once the command post has been established:
______ should know its location
It should not be moved unless _____
_____information should be gathered as soon as possible
Good ingress and egress
Land a helicopter
All personnel
Threatened by fire
Weather information
Communications 401
A-Flight channels 1-16
A1-ems east
A3-ems west
A5-special event
A6-Hannah park
A8-tac support
A13-Nassau dispatch
A14-Nassau tac
A15-st Johns dispatch
A16-st Johns tac
High Rise 407
First arriving units
The fire alarm panel position will have the radio designation ___________
Panel control
Hurricane 410
Secure station and apparatus
Hurricane warning
- Notify personnel to anticipate staying additional shifts
- Top off apparatus fuel tanks
Train derailments 412
The ____will coordinate railroad operations until they get a supervisor on scene…can supply needed information on the materials carried on the train. This information may also be obtained from ___, which may be located in the ____,____, or with the _____; or in all three locations.
Railroad chief dispatcher
Locomotive, caboose, or with the conductor
High rise 407
______ hose in a high rise building can be very labor intensive.
Stretching hose
Crime scene 426
Before entering the scene, determine if the scene is _____.
Emergency incident rehabilitation 436
Rehab officer
If a ____________ is not assigned by the IC the rehab officer must carry out those responsibilities.
Personnel staging officer
RIT 408
The IC will designate a radio talk group to be used for the rit operation(usually __________).
Usually the second expansion group
Automated skyway express 420
Skyway control center
The control center is equipped with an ____________ system.
FM-200 Extinguishing system
Incident command 403
Operating requirements
- Adaptability
- Expandability
High rise 407
Rapid ascent team
Tool compliment:
-spare SCBA bottles
-gas meter
-stairway keys/access cards
-door latch straps
High rise 407
The RATs will also coordinate with _____ and ______ teams.
Fire attack and ventilation teams
Infectious exposure 423
All reports are to be kept confidential.
Follow up written reports are to be ____to _____ or ____ to the _____ to be placed into the confidential medical record of the exposed individual.
Hand delivered to HQ or faxed to the office of health and safety
Communications 401
B flight
FRCC will rebroadcast the assigned talk group ___ seconds after initial dispatch…
15 seconds
Hurricane 410
The _____ assumes responsibility for staffing hurricane shelters.
American Red Cross
Respirator protection 421
A _____ response will be required any time the SAR system is used.
Air truck
High rise 407
____are a recommended personal hand tool.
Wire cutters
Automated skyway express 420
Hazard awareness
Elevations in some areas of the San Marco section exceed ______.
Communications 401
Telephone, computer, printer, or software problems shall be relayed to _____. Urgent repairs occurring outside normal business hours that require overtime must be authorized by the _____.
FRCC shift supervisor
RIT 408
Mandatory use
A rit shall be mandatory on all _____________
Full assignment OR GREATER
Infection control 422
Public areas
The majority of the fluid should be _____ and then rinsed with ______. All——materials are to be removed from the scene and properly disposed of.
Absorbed and then rinsed with a 1:100 solution of household bleach in water
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Fireground operations must be structured around the completion of the ________.
Primary search
Hostage situation 425
The first arriving unit will stage at an appropriate location. _____ will report to JSO for instructions while the rest of the crew remains with the apparatus. ______will also direct incoming units to the staging area.
The company officer
This company officer
Hazmat 411
Control/stabilization of incident
Primary efforts should be made to minimize the ___ of hazardous materials. This may require either defensive or offensive strategies:
Directing runoff to a safe holding area
Dissipating vapors
Diluting materials
Neutralizing substance
Plugging or shutting off leak
Aircraft incidents 432
ARFF apparatus water refill
The maximum inlet pressure for ALL ARFF apparatus is________
80 PSI
Wild land fires 409
Structure triage
Structural protection:
__minute commitment
__unit per structure in isolated areas
___unit per ___ structure in subdivisions
Limit hose lay to ____’
-15 minute commitment
-1 unit per structure in isolated areas
-1 unit per 2 structures in subdivisions
-limit hose lay to 200’
High rise 407
Search and rescue
Search priorities will typically be in the following order:
-fire floor
-floor directly above fire floor
-top floor
-work down from top floor
High rise 407
Appendix A___
Appendix B_____
Appendix C_____
Appendix D____
Appendix E______
Appendix F_______
Appendix G_______
Appendix H_________
Elevator operations
Standpipe and sprinkler operations
Stairwell considerations
Search and rescue
Rapid ascent team
Minimum tools and equipment
Incident command 403
Level I staging
…report their position by announcing their unit id and location
Units should expect to receive immediate acknowledgement from ____
Units should wait for instructions from the _____.
Hurricane 410
To ensure that on and off-duty personnel understand what is expected of them and are prepared for recall, the following guidelines should be implemented:
Off going shift will be required to stay over until released by the ______.
When released, they should take their ___and___ with them, in case they are recalled.
Battalion chief
Turnout gear and personal hygiene products
Hurricane 410
Hurricane season checklist
On ________ of each year, the station captain will report any deficiencies found to the _________through the chain of command.
The ——- will then submit the Hurricane Season Checklist to the __________
All corrective measures are to be completed ______________.
Battalion chief
ON May 1
Division chief of services
Shipboard fire/incidents 449
Companies will bring __________ per person(not including initial attack)
Engine companies
Ladder companies
Rescue companies
One spare air bottle
Engine companies
150’ of 1-3/4” hose and high rise bag
Tracer line
ISC adapter(if equipped)
Bolt cutters
Ladder companies
2-200’ bags of hoisting rope
5:1 hoisting rig
Tracer line
Bolt cutters
Rescue companies
Jump bag
Cardiac monitor
RIT equipment consistent with the needs presented
Emergency incident rehabilitation 436
Release from rehab
All firefighters shall remain in rehab _________ minutes unless otherwise directed by the rehab officer
Systolic BP shall be _______________
Diastolic BP shall be _______________
Pulse rate must be __________________
Temperature must be ______________
Carbon monoxide oximeter reading ________
Respirations must be ________________
All firefighters shall remain in rehab A MINIMUM of 20 minutes unless otherwise directed by the rehab officer
Systolic BP shall be GREATER THAN 90 mmHg LESS THAN 160 mmHg
Diastolic BP shall be LESS THAN 110 mmHg and GREATER THAN 60 mmHg
Pulse rate must be BELOW 100 bpm and ABOVE 50 bpm
Temperature must be BELOW 100 degrees F
Carbon monoxide oximeter reading LESS THAN 10%
Respirations must be BELOW 20 and ABOVE 10
Infectious exposure 423
Any employee knowing of or suspecting another of having an infectious disease shall report this to the ____, who will then notify the ______. The _____ will in turn notify the _______.
Company officer
Health and safety officer
Director/fire chief
Bomb/WMD investigation 424
All JFRD personnel shall respond to a bomb/wmd investigation in _____ppe
Full structural PPE
Communications 401
Downgrading/upgrading an incident
FRCC will conduct a roll call by calling ____ first, followed by ______. ____or______ may direct responding units to utilize MDTs or A2 to go available. _______ are not included in roll call.
Chief officers
Units en route
Chief officers or FRCC
Units on scene
Automated skyway express 420
Transformers located ________of these stations supply power to the breakers. The breakers, which are located inside _______at each of these stations, supply power to the power disconnect panels. PDPs are located at each ___ and ____.
Equipment rooms
Each passenger station and switch
Structure fire/signal 25 406
- A fire that did NOT involve FLAME damage beyond the non combustible container, but requires a fan for ventilation or some other form of assistance requiring an additional unit.
- A fire that DID involve FLAME damage beyond a non combustible container AND requires a fan for ventilation or some other form of assistance requiring an additional unit
Confined space 418
______ is critical in order to evaluate the hazards to rescuers and the viability of victims.
Product identification
Communications 401
Available units
If a response is not received from a dispatched unit within___ seconds of initial dispatch, FRCC will attempt to contact the unit…
15 seconds
RIT 408
______ should be stationed at the entry point to monitor the movement of the RIT in and out of the structure and to monitor conditions at the entry point.
A firefighter not assigned to the RIT
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Additional suppression chief:(2)
Counsel with the IC
Assist IC with any necessary incident control activities. May be assigned control of a geographic or task oriented sector by the IC
Hurricane 410
Hurricane stages:
Hurricane alert
84 hours prior to landfall
Hurricane watch
36-60 hours prior to landfall
Hurricane warning
24-36 hours prior to landfall
Pre-landfall operations
Post-landfall operations
Air transportation unit 415
Forcible entry can be easily made with______ or by _____devices for door removal.
Hand tools(irons)
Quick release devices
High Rise 407
Initial operations
First alarm assignments per SOG 401 consist of:
4-suppression chiefs
1-rescue chief
Special operations team
Structure fire/signal 25 406
Identify a rehab area and transmit that location to command.
First-arriving rescue
Incident command 403
Level II staging will require the designation of a staging officer and formal staging area both to be designated by ______.
Automated skyway express 420
When responding to the control center on fire runs, full ppe must be in place and operating prior to entering the ______.
Fm200 extinguishing system is used in three areas of the skyway building:
Elevator emergencies 417
Disconnecting switches/breakers are usually located in one of the following areas:(3)
Basement of the hoistway
In the elevator machine room
Near the elevator machine room door
Hazmat 411
JFRD personnel shall work in _____
Hazmat 411
Scene assessment
Considerations of the first arriving company should be:
-the need for the hazmat team
-scene management
Communications 401
Depending on whether it is a Mayday or a Signal 34 situation, personnel should clearly state:
Unit identification
“Mayday! Mayday! Firefighter down/missing!”
Present location of missing/trapped personnel, if known
Unit identification
“Signal 34”
Present location
Hurricane 410
Boarding/evacuation of JFRD facilities
All personnel and apparatus will be moved and reassigned to other stations as designated by the _________________
Battalion chief
Mass casualty 413
Transportation officer
Will perform duties as outlined in FOG #___
FOG #6
Hazmat 411
The success of decon, like that of any operation, is based on _______
Mass casualty 413
_______ directs triage of all victims
Triage officer
Hurricane 410
When the national weather service issues a hurricane watch for any part of duval county, FRCC will notify:(3)
The following personnel will join other county officials at the EOC:(5)
FRCC will notify the director/fire chief, all division chiefs, and assistant division chiefs.
Director/fire chief
Division chief of operations
Division chief of rescue
Division chief of emergency preparedness
Assistant division chiefs
Confined space 418
Patient treatment
Increasing the oxygen content in the space above _________ could result in a very dangerous atmosphere, particularly if flammable substances are present. For this reason ____must never be used in a confined space.
Medical oxygen
Rope 419
____ and _____ are the best protection against damage by chemical exposure.
Proper storage and weekly checks
High Rise 407
____________________ will be considered a high rise regardless of the location of the fire.
Any building which has 4 FLOORS OR GREATER