SOG Flashcards
What are the four components of a transfer of command
Operational Strategy
Missions-Assigned and Pending
Radion Frequency Use:
- Dispatch Channel: Channel utilized for dispatching resources to
emergency incidents. - Command Channel: Channel utilized to communicate between the Incident
Commander, Dispatch and Command Staff. During greater alarm incidents
SECA channels should be utilized as command channels. - Tactical Channel: Channel utilized to communicate between command
or operations and units on scene. This will allow for on-scene communications and coordination of tactical operations.
What are SECA channels for?
SECA interoperability frequencies should be used when possible for coordination between VHF, UHF and 800 users.
Where do we report the type and kind of units we have available for mutual aid responses?
Solano County RESTAT spreadsheet
Accountability at greater alarm incidents is tracked using?
T-Card System
What should the term “Emergency Traffic” be used for?
The term, “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC”, will only be used by personnel who
need to declare important information. Including structural integrity issues, potential safety issues onthe incident or situations needing immediate assistance.
“EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” should be used to report a firefighter or
civilian injury on the fireground.
Firefighters who are in need of emergency assistance should declare?
What information should you recieve from a firefighter needing assistance?
Resources needed
After a mayday has been announced the IC should:
Acknowldege the mayday and get the LUNAR information.
Activate RIC Tactical Plan
Notify Dispatch
Notify crew when the IWI is cleared.
Request a PAR
Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)
A roll call taken of all personnel
operating on the fireground, usually requested by the Incident Commander during active firefighting operations. The purpose of this roll call is to confirm that all personnel are safe and accounted for.
RIC Identifier
When multiple RIC teams are established, they may be identified by
apparatus identifier or by sequential order in which they are established (i.e. RIC 1, RIC 2, RIC 3, etc.).
After activating a RIC assignement the IC should?
Request an additional alarm.
Assign a a RIC group supervisor.
Request a PAR through Div/Grp Sup
Be prepared with an additional Tac Ch
Mayday Considerations
a. Size and type of emergency may require more than one RIC
b. Reinforce firefighting positions
c. Aggressively protect the rescue area
d. Provide lighting and ventilation as needed
e. In a collapse situation, withdraw personnel from the affected area of
the building
f. Establish a treatment and transport group for any rescued Firefighters
g. Consider appointing a Medical Group Supervisor if multiple casualties
h. Special request technical rescue teams and specialized equipment at
all structural collapses involving trapped Firefighters
i. Continue to evaluate structural stability throughout the incident
j. Monitor both primary and tactical channels throughout the Incident for
This will be requested if there is a change in strategy or a need to remove everyone from the building in a non-emergent situation.
Tactical Retreat
This will be used anytime a situation occurs during an incident that requires the immediate evacuation of personnel from a building.
Evacuations should get?
3x 10 Sec on/ 10 Sec off Airhorn blasts
Alert Tone worble
Complete a PAR
Three Modes of IC
- Command Mode
- Fast attack/Passing
- Investigation Mode
Initial Incident Action Plan Should include?
a. Establish the incident priority (Life / Property / Environment / Incident
b. Identify incident strategy such as: Offensive, Defensive, or Combination
c. Identify incident objectives (tactics)
d. Develop communication plan
e. Develop safety plan
f. Identify or develop incident organization
g. Identify / address needs for additional resources
Incident Benchmarks
- IDLH Entry
o Water Supply Established
o FDC Connection
o Two Out Established / RIC Established
o Division / Group Assignment
o Primary Search Complete
o Secondary Search All Clear
o On Roof / Off Roof
o Utilities Secured
o Knockdown
o Under control
o Change of Strategy
▪ Conduct PAR
How are exposures numbered at strip mall fires?
B1, B2, B3 working away from the fire toward Bravo side.
D1, D2, D3 working away from fire toward Delta side
Arrival Report/IOCAN
- Identify: the arriving unit and confirm location (if different than dispatched address)
- Object: a brief description of the incident is (building / vehicle / topography)
- Conditions: a brief description of what the incident is doing
- Actions: declaration of incident priority, strategy, objectives and command mode
- Needs: incident needs including additional resources
Own Situation
Incident Priorities
o Rescue / Search (if not completed by first arriving engine)
o Initiate Fire Attack (if not completed by first arriving engine)
o Secure Water supply
o Two Out / RIC
o Division / Group Assignment
o Door Control / Flow Path
o Ventilation
o Utilities
o Back up line
o Salvage
o Overhaul
Residential Benchmarks
o IDLH Entry
o Water Supply Established
o Two Out Established / RIC Established
o Division / Group Assignment
o Primary Search Complete
o Secondary Search All Clear
o On Roof / Off Roof
o Utilities Secured
o Knockdown
Solano County Fire Chiefs Association
o Under control
o Change of Strategy
Confirmed Rescue Command Setup
o A functional group for the 4 main objectives of Fire Attack, Rescue,
Ventilation, and Medical should be set up ASAP.
o The second officer assigned to a particular objective should be assigned
as that group supervisor. (Fire Attack Group, Rescue Group, Medical
* The first group established should be the one most needing tactical
supervision (Fire Attack Group or Rescue Group)
Additional Reports
- Change in Incident Priority
- Change in Incident Strategy
- Tactical benchmarks are met
- Significant scene hazards
- Transfer of command
Victim Profiles?
Low - reported all out of building
Moderate - Unknown
High - Strong suspicion there might be someone inside.
Confirmed - Told there is someon inside
. If all first alarm units are going to be committed on the fire (structure or
vegetation), the IC should state?
Working Fire
Working triggers dispatch to?
Send another ambulance to the scene for medical standy.
Ensure two suppression units of coverage.
Send a major incident notification to the command staff.
Major Incident Notification
- Automatically sent out on any working fire or multi-alarm request
- At the discretion of the on-duty BC or other Chief Officer
- The Deputy Chief and or the Fire Chief will monitor the situation and respond
and provide assistance at their discretion.
Special Notification
- Recall of off duty personnel can be instituted at the request of any Chief
Officer (or Acting Chief Officer, or other member as directed by a Chief Officer
or Actor) based on staffing levels or situations necessitating the extra staffing - When requested by a BC, the Deputy Chief shall be notified via phone of the
incident or other pertinent information. - The Fire Chief shall be notified by phone when directed to by the Deputy or
Station coverage units will be deployed to Stations?
72 for the North
74 for the South
VAC Structure Matrix
- 4E,1T,1C,1 Amb
- 3E,1T,1C,1Amb
- 3E,1T,1C, Notify SOCo
- 3E,1T,1C
VAC Veg Matrix
- 4B,1C
- 2E,3B,1Tender,1C,1Amb
- 2E,3B,1C
- 2E,3B,1Tender,1C
- Improper Risk Assessment / Size Up
- Lack of Command
- Lack of Accountability
- Inadequate Communications
- Lack of SOG’s and or not following SOG’s
The IC is responsible for the completion of these tactical objectives listed in order of priority.
a. Conduct initial and on-going risk assessments.
b. Provide for life safety (both citizens and responders).
c. Remove endangered occupants and treat the injured.
d. Stabilize the incident.
e. Conserve property and the environment.
f. Investigate the cause of the incident, as appropriate.
The functions of command include:
- Assume and announce command and establish an effective operating
location. - Rapidly evaluate the situation (size-up).
- Initiate, maintain, and control the communication process.
- Identify the overall strategy as offensive or defensive, develop an incident
action plan (IAP), and assign resources consistent with policies and
SOG’s. - Develop an effective Incident Command organization.
- Review, evaluate and revise (as needed) the incident action plan (IAP).
- Provide for the continuity, transfer, and termination of command.
Technical Rescue Team Response
- Specialized callback of Technical Rescue Team Members
- Squad 71
- The Trench Trailer/Building Collapse Trailer and suitable tow vehicle
- Mutual aid request for other Solano County USAR resources from
participating Solano County Technical Rescue Team agencies.
Below Minimum Staffing units in service
contingency resourse deployment
Personnel on duty
(including BC)
Resource Deployment
24-25 M72 brown out and in OOS status; if 25 personnel, E72 staffed
with 4.
22-23 M72 Brown out and OOS;
M75 cross staffed with E75 crew (if 23 personnel, E72 staffed
with 4)
21 M72 Brown out and OOS;
E75 Brown out and OOS
<21 Duty BC to make all efforts to recall staffing including
temporary modification to mandatory OT protections (Policy Ch
9). If efforts fail, duty BC to deploy staffing accordingly after
evaluating options and factors.
Apparatus distribution (assumes that minimum staffing is on duty):
Veg Matrix
Structure Matrix
How far to park away from down power lines?
One span or two poles
Distance from overhead power lines?
Maintain a minimum distance of 10 feet away from overhead electrical lines, 30
feet for downed power lines on dry surfaces and 60 feet when wet.
Transmission line safety
isolate 350-500 ft
maintain 100 feet distance line on fire touching soil.
If water is needed broken stream 35’ away.
Flagging Colors and 3 stripes
3 stripes to make physical barrier
Pink escape routes safety zones
Red Hazar - Life safety
orange - utility/access
FireLine - barier for public.
Crews should operate no further than how far from an exit?
Tactical objectives listed in order?
Conduct initial and on-going risk assessments.
b. Provide for life safety (both citizens and responders).
c. Remove endangered occupants and treat the injured.
d. Stabilize the incident.
e. Conserve property and the environment.
Passing Command items to be communicated?
a. Primary actions initiated
b. Intended actions
c. Number and location of personnel committed
When resources are assigned to a div/grp they must be given this information?
a. Be told where to report
b. Be told who to report to (formal title, not personal names)
c. Be told what extra equipment to bring (if any)
d. Be told the nature of their assignment
e. The resource(s) must check in and check out with the Div/Grp Sup
When should the building department be notified?
FG&E Smoke Alarm
Gas leak
Electric problem where power was secured or isolated.
No working smoke or CO alarm.
Risk assessment includes?
- Building Characteristics:
* Construction type and size
* Structural condition
* Occupancy and contents - Fire Factors
* Location and extent of the fire
* Estimated time of involvement
* What are the smoke conditions telling us - Risk to Building Occupants
* Known or probable occupants
* Occupant survival assessment - Firefighting Capabilities
* Available resources
* Operational capabilities and limitations
En route report includes?
Smoke (volume and color) or fire conditions seen in reference to current
2. Traffic or roadway conditions that may impact units responding.
3. Special Hazard Notification (Pre-Plan Information).
On scene report
Unit identifier as on-scene (and confirmation of address if different than
2. Brief description of the structure and incident situation:
a. Brief description of building:
* Size/height (if consequential)
* Number of Stories
* Occupancy Type
* Other Information (If applicable)
b. Visible Conditions
* Volume, velocity, color of smoke / flames
* Location of smoke / flames
c. Special Details: (If applicable)
* Building construction
* Obvious hazards
3. Actions & Additional Resource / Mission needs (if appropriate)
a. Declaration of Strategy and command mode
b. Immediate mission needs
c. Additional alarm(s) or reinforced response (as appropriate)
4. Establishment of Incident Command
a. Name incident based on geographical location (address), building name, or
business name.
Seven tactical actions for structure defense
Check and go
Prep and go
Prep and defend
Bump and run
Anchor and Hil
Tactical patrol
Fire front following