Soft fruit Flashcards
Name 2 cultivars of blackcurrant?
Boskoop Giant (early season) Large plants - 1.8m apart Baldwin (late season) - compact suited to small garden
How to plant blackcurrants?
Plant bare roots Nov-March. Containerised plants any time of year, as long as ground is not frozen or waterlogged.
Few weeks before planting clear the soil of perrenial weeds, and add a generous amount of well rotted manure.
Prepare hole at least 2x the size of the root ball and slightly deeper than the root ball.
Spread the roots out at planting.
Plants should be set in ground 6cm deeper than they were in the container to encourage new shoots from the base.
Backfill with soil and gently firm and water.
After planting all shoots are cut down to one outward facing bud to encourage strong new growth.
Keep 60cm clear of grass around base.
First 3 years only lightly prune, remove weak shoots, retaining a basic structure of 6-10 healthy shoots.
Harvesting and storing
By picking a range of cultivars, harvesting can be from late June-September.
Cut the strigs of fruit as they turn black. Or pick historic cultivars which ripen at different times individually. Pick early/late in day when its cool.
Store in a loose plastic bag or box to maintain humidity. 1-2 days room temperature, 3-6 days in fridge or can be frozen.
When to prune blackcurrants?
Prune after fruiting. Fruit forms on young wood so prune to remove up to a third of oldest wood to encourage new shoots.
In year 4 cut out approximately 1/3 of the older wood at the base using loppers or pruning saw.
Remove any dead, diseased or damaged wood.
Top dressing for blackcurrants?
Need high nitrogen levels to develop new wood, so add Growmore at 100g per sq metre in February and mulch with garden compost.
Pest for Blackcurrant?
Big Bud mite
Microscopic mites that infect buds and suck sap and cause them to enlarge.
Pick off affected buds on lightly infested plants and dispose of buds.
Dispose of heavily infected plants after the fruit has been picked and replace with certified stock plants which will be pest /disease free.
Choose resistant cultivars.
Disease for blackcurrants?
Gooseberry Mildew
Powdery grey and white mildew on leaves and stems, which later turn brown. Patches may also develop on fruit and prevent them ripening. Stunted growth and die back of plant.
Cut out any infected stems, and dispose of as well as any fallen leaves. Space bushes out when planting to allow good air flow. Prune for ventilation. Lower nitrogen application.
What type of soft fruit is a blackcurrant?
What type of soft fruit is a strawberry?
Herbaceous perrenial.
What type of soft fruit is a rasberry?
What type of soft fruit is a grape?
What are the two types of rasberries?
Summer and Autumn cropping.
Name a summer fruiting rasberry cultivar?
Glen Moy
Name an autumn fruiting rasberry cultivar?
Autumn bliss
How to plant rasberry canes?
Likes moisture retentive, fertile, slightly acidic soil.
Sheltered sunny spot.
Plant Nov-March bare root.
Container plants any time of year, provided ground isn’t frozen or waterlogged.
Plant 45-60cm apart.
Once newly planted shorten stems to 25-30cm.
How to prune summer fruiting rasberries?
Cut back fruited canes to ground level after harvesting. Do not leave old stubs.
Select the strongest young canes, around 6-8 per plant, and tie them in 8-10cm apart along a wire support. remove the remaining young stems to ground level.
How to prune Autumn fruiting rasberries?
Cut back all the canes to ground level in February.
Reduce the number of canes slightly in summer if they’re very over crowded.
In early summer pull up suckers between the rows of rasberries and thin autum rasberry canes to 10cm apart.
Top dressing for rasberries? (same as blackcurrants!)
Mid spring add a general purpose fertiliser such as Growmore - 100g per square meter followed by a mulch of garden compost or well rotted manure. This will prevent weeds.
When to harvest rasberries and how?
Pick when fruit is fully red (or yellow) in colour, and come away easily from the canes.
Pick early or late in the day when it’s cooled.
Discard damaged fruit.
Summer fruiting rasberries harvested in June/July/August
Autumn fruiting rasberries harvested in September/October.
How to store rasberries?
In a tupperware container in the fridge for a few days. Or in the freezer for several months.
What disease can rasberries get?
Rasberry cane blight
Summer leaves wither and canes die. Bases of the canes become dark brown, and the bark may split.
No chemical control. Avoid dmaging canes when handling. Ensure plants are well spaced so air can cirulate. Avoid plant stress by providing optimum drainage and nutrition. Cut out infected canes below ground level and dispose of safely. Disinfect tools between cuts. Change soil if replanting new canes. Choose disease resistant varieties.
What aspect do Rasberries like?
Sunny but will take a little shade.
Acidic soil 6.5-6.7
Sheltered spot for good pollination.
Well drained but moisture retentive soil.
What is a pest of the rasberry plant?
Rasberry beetle
Ripe berries have greyish brown dried up patches at the stalk end.
Cream coloured grub may be found inside the fruits.
Control with Pyrethrum - spray when first pink fruits are seen, with 2nd application 2 weeks later. Don’t spray when in flower as can danger pollinating insects.
Name 2 cultivars of strawberries?
Cambridge Favourite
Why should strawberries be purchased as certified stock?
They are prone to a range of fungal and viral diseases and can lose vigour after 4 years. Although they propagate easily, advice is to replace stock after 3 years to maximise yield.
How deep should I plant my strawberries?
So that the middle of the crown is level with the soil. Too deep and it will rot, too shallow and it’ll dry out.
Strawberry maintenance
Feeding, pruning, protecting, watering, observing for pests and disease. Straw mulch.
Remove runners on first year to allow plants to establish.
When to harvest?
Harvest on a dry day, when completely red all over.
Discard damaged or mouldy fruits.
Pick carefully by pinching the stalk between the fingers to ensure the calyx is not damaged.
Harvest early varieties from June, through summer into early autumn with later cultivars.
How to store strawberries?
Best eaten fresh, but will keep in the fridge for a few days in a container.
Strawberry pest?
Use beer traps, or remove at night time.
Strawberry disease?
Powdery mildew
White powdery deposit on he leaf surface. Leaves become stunted and shrivel.
Remedy - keep soil moist and grow in cooler location.