Sociology - year 1 Flashcards
Domestic violence stat
In March 2022 1.5 million cases of domestic violence reported by English and Welsh police
How many women initiate divorces in a marriage?
2/3 rds
participation of husbands in housework
participation of husbands in childcare
25% but only in pleasurable tasks
Dex and Ward stat
Only 1% of fathers took responsibility for their child when they got sick
Women’s unpaid domestic labor accounts to…
£700 billion
Kan stat
For every £10,000 a woman earns she does less than 2 hours of housework per week
2019 labour force shown…
2019 labor force showed that 3 in 10 women reduce working hours in comparison to 1 in 20 men for childcare provision
Elizabeth Bott?
- Distinguishes 2 types of roles in a marriage
segregated and joint conjugal roles
inflation/cost of living crisis 2023
The annual inflation rate was 6.3% downplays New right culture of dependency
since the 2000’s fathers have had a higher employment rate…
since 2000’s fathers had a higher employment rate than men without dependent children
Nordqvist and Smart donor-conceived children stat
since 1991 more than 35,000 children in the UK born as a result of donor conception
5 types of relationships that individuals regard as significant
- fictive kin
- relationship with pets
- relationships with dead relatives
- relationship with friends
- gay and lesbian chosen families
Domestic violence stat for males
more than 40%of domestic violence victims are male
David Cheal
police may be reluctant to investigate cases, viewed as taboo to be involved in the family.
family is private
family generally viewed as a good thing, the darker side ignored
Individuals are “free agents”- if experiencing abuse are “free to leave”