Sociology family Flashcards
Nuclear family
2 generational family, married heterosexual couple living together with their children
extended family
relatives extending past the nucler family; 3 or more generations living together
most common in Asian families
Reconstituted family
Step family where 1 or both of the partners have a child for previous marriage livng with them.
lone parent
one parent lives with the child
usually due to divorce
same sex family
homosexual couple living who are marrried , civil parters or cohabiting living with their children
Organisational diversity
families vary in the way they organise domestic division of labour or social network. All family types show this type of diversity
Cultural diversity
families differ in their cultural beliefs and values. Different ethnic groups show diversity in belifes and values, there belifes can influence their lifestyles, gender roles and child care.
Social diversity
families differ in their social positions; lower and middle class. Their social class affects the resources they have and division of labour between the partenrs
Life course diveristy
the stage of family life cycle that the family is at; newlyweds, family with young children, empty nest family.
Cohort diveristy
The period of time that the family passes thorugh different stages of life.