Sociology Flashcards
What can dentists do that others can’t?
- Get into the patients intimate space - usually only restricted to significant others
- Put their hands in your mouth (trust = sensitive and removes ability to communicate)
What is Power?
Definition: The ability to ensure that a particular point of view prevails in a disputed situation, or the capacity that someone acts in a certain way
- It can take on many differnt forms
What does power ‘look like’ in the dentist patient relationship?
Shapes the relationship in 3 ways:
- the level of the clinical setting (environment)
- in the dental consultation (dynamic)
- consequence of cultural and medical authority displayed by the profession in society
In which ways can a dentist (conciously/unconciously) intimidate their patients?
- Environment
- Layout
- Colour scheme of surgery
- Dental equipment
- Smells of the clinic
- Using too much medical jargon with patients
- Rushed appointments
- Little small talk/rapport building
- Using paternalistic conservational style
What can patients do to change the power imbalance?
What can dentists do to make it easier for patients to ask questions?
Define empowerment:
- Allows the patients voice to be expressed and heard
- Moves away from doing things to the patient and more doing things with them
- Patients are more in control of their health and less dependent on health care professionals
Define the paternalistic model of communication:
This occurs when doctors or other healthcare professionals lead and control the population, with little input from the patient
What is medical authority?
The power and status derived from the scientific and expert knowledge and skills that some posses and enables them to treat and care for the health of others