Sociology 101 Flashcards
Age prejudice
A negative attitude about an age that is generalized to all people in that group
Age discrimination
The difference and unequal treatment of people based solely on their age.
Agents of socialization
Are those who pass on social expectations. Everyone participates in this process: family, MaxMedia, cheers, religion, sports and school
Anticipatory socialization
The learning expectations associated with a rule one expects to enter in the future
Attribution theory
The principle that we all make inferences about personalities of others, such as including what others the other is “really like”
Conflict theory
Emphasizes the role of worsening and power of persons groups to exercise influence and control over the others in producing social order
Consequences of socialization
Establishes itself concepts. Socialization is Reflective and it makes people bearers of culture
Is the complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society. Believes, values, knowledge, are morals, law, customs, habits, language, and dress. The ways of thinking as well as a pattern of behavior. Defines what is perceived as beautiful/ugly, right/wrong, good/bad. It tells people how to behave. Tells them what to think in a particular situation. It is symbolic because of the significance lies in the meaning it holds for people.
Culture lag
The delay in culture adjustments to changing social conditions. The result can be culture shock. A Feeling of disorientation from a new or rapidly changing cultural situation
The ability to look behind taken for granted things, looking instead to the origin of social behavior. Sociologists seek to look behind-the-scenes patterns and processes that shapes behavior they observe into social world. Easy to do when looking at a culture other than one’s own.
A group consisting of exactly 2 people it is more stable
Emile Durkheim
He was Jewish. Antisemitism(Hatred of Jews) Was being expressed around him, as well as ill feelings in other regions. She wrote about what forces hold a society together, about the public rituals. He needed society as an entity larger than the sum of its parts. His work is the basis for functionalism
The habit of seeing things only from the point of view of ones own group. It is ethnocentric to judge one’s culture by the stands of another culture. It leads to narrowminded conclusions. Build group solidarity
A method of studying human interaction by deliberately disrupting social norms and observing how individuals attempt to restore normalcy
Expressive needs
Also called socialemotional needs. They are the function of the primary group given by the family and friends. Human desires, intimacy, companionship and social support.
Foraging(Hunting – gathering) Societies
Technology enables the hunting of animals and the gathering of vegetation. Technology is not permit refrigeration or processing of food
The view that society has an entity Larger than the sum of its parts
A collection of individuals who: interact and communicate with each other, share goals and norms and have a subjective awareness of themselves as we, that is a distinct social unit
Is the tendency for group members to reach a consensus opinion, even if that decision is downright stupid.
Interpersonal attraction
Along with formations of pairs are needed more so by women than men. (According to the text).