Sociologists/Studies Flashcards
I said you can’t even say what constitues as a family anymore, in our postmodern world it is quite ambiguous
Dennis and Erdos
We found fatherless figures children are less likely to be successfully socialised into the culture of discipline and compromise and so are less likely to be successful parents themselves. We also said boys without a father figure have problems with authority
I said that children are given gender stereotypical chores in the house to teach them what is gender appropriate
I said the function of the family is to socialise the young
I found that boys who work hard are seen as Feminine by their peers
Skeleton and Francis
We said that there are zones in the playground as we studies the peer group and playtime in primary schools - group ‘areas’
McRobbie and Garber
We studied the bedroom culture of teenage girls - content analysis of ‘Jackie’ magazine, interviews with girls who attended youth clubs - Jackie very stereotypical in terms of gender representation
I studied middle aged punks and found they still shared interests and had group cohesion from younger days
I did the study of ‘New Wave Girls’ - they wore similar fashions (doc martens, black trousers, t-shirts and over-sized jumpers) - has a shared interest in punk and new wave music - they resisted masculine control and did not conform to the usual norms of femininity
I worked for six weeks at a large, discount retailer and mother six weeks at a small boutique retailer - I found that parents bought their children gender stereotypical toys
Bandura conducted a study of media violence where children saw a film of an adult behaving aggressively towards a bobo doll and then copied this themselves when given opportunity
Glennon and Butsch
Working class families are underrepresented and middle class families are over represented, working class families that are shown are either trying to move upwards or shown to be unintelligent
In our postmodern society there is a ‘supermarket of style’ (we can pick and choose who we want to be) this is largely influenced by the media
Young people seen as folk devils by the media and moral panics are created around them - deviance amplification
Stefan Pakeerah
Stefan Pakeerah was killed by his friend after he had been playing a game called ‘manhunt’ - he copied methods from the game and killed Stefan with a hammer
Men are more likely to be shown as heroes in films and women as victims - men are also more likely to get leading roles when they are older
Van Dijk
Black people tend to be portrayed as criminals in British news - black crime and violence one of the most frequent issues in ethnic coverage
Jamie Bulger
A toddler that was kidnapped, tortured and killed by two young boys - it was claimed that the boys had seen a film ‘child’s play 3’ which contributed to the attack