Sociologists and theories - The family Flashcards
Functionalists see the family as POSITIVE for society.
They believe that the nuclear family is a positive institution that is beneficial to
society - they look at the functions that the nuclear family performs for the good of
society as a whole. These functions include:
• Reproduction - the family has children which means the human race keeps
• Primary socialisation - the family teaches children norms (acceptable
behaviour) and values (right and wrong)
• Economic support – The family gives financial support, it feeds and provides
shelter for it’s members
New Right
The New Right see the family as NEGATIVE for society if it is not a nuclear
They have similar views to Functionalists. They believe that the nuclear family is
very important to society. They say that children from nuclear families:
• Do better at school
• Get better jobs
• Do not turn to crime
The New Right believe that Single parents and same sex couples are bad for
Marxists see the family as NEGATIVE for society.
Marxists are critical of the family and society. They believe society is based on a
conflict between the classes – working class and ruling class. The family helps to
maintain class differences in society as the rich can afford to give their children a
better start in life than the poor, e.g. pay for a better education, get them a good job
either in their own business or their friends businesses. Marxists believe the family
socialises the working class to accept that it is fair that the classes are unequal.
Feminists see the family as NEGATIVE for society.
Feminists believe the family is bad for women. Girls and boys learn their different
gender roles within the family through socialisation. Girls copy their mothers, doing
housework, whilst boys copy their fathers, doing DIY. They then learn that this is
how male and female roles should be. Feminists believe that the family is male
dominated – the term for this is patriarchal.
More people
living together
without being
Feminists say this is a good thing, as marriage is a patriarchal institution, meaning it keeps men in power and oppresses (pushes down) women. • Gay rights groups also say this is a good thing, as gay couples are only allowed to marry in some religions, but in others being homosexual is a sin. Living together or having a legal civil partnership increases gay equality. • Most Functionalists are OK with the traditional nuclear family, as it still serves the function of socialising children and teaching them how to be useful members of society. • Some Functionalists and the New Right believe that the traditional nuclear family is the only family that can do the job properly, so would argue that parents should be married and stay together for life.
More single
parent families
Feminists fought for the change to divorce law, as many women were in abusive marriages and couldn’t get out of them. Therefore, they see divorce as a positive thing. However, they also point out that it is women who take on most of the childcare and are left with the burden of bringing up the baby on their own when relationships don’t work out, which means more women are living in poverty. • Functionalists do not think that a single parent family can perform all the important functions of the family (eg. gender role socialisation, financially providing for children etc.), so are against this type of family. • The New Right are completely against 9 this type of family and see it as responsible for everything that is wrong with society (crime, yob culture, dependence on benefits etc.).
More Same Sex
Functionalists say that the family and other institutions of society need to evolve in order to continue to be useful in society, so would view same sex families as positive providing that they continue to do what they are supposed to. • Feminists have mixed views on same sex families, because there is still economic inequality between men and women, which means that gay men are more likely to have more money, better jobs and higher status than lesbians. Therefore, same sex families should not be looked at as being all the same. • The New Right see same sex families as bad for society because they are socialising children the wrong way
household size
Feminists view these changes positively, as women have greater choice over their future and can use contraception to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies whilst still being sexually active. It is more acceptable for women to choose a career rather than a family than in the past. • The New Right believe that a woman’s role in society is to be a wife and mother, so would see these changes as having a negative impact on society. • Some Functionalists would see these changes as positive, because the population is increasing in size. Therefore smaller families ensure society does not become unstable. Other Functionalists would point out that the reason for the large population is because of immigration and therefore argue that we need larger British families and less immigration.
More families
from diverse
Many Feminists see this change as positive, because women are moving away from countries where they have few or no rights, sometimes where rape is used as a weapon in civil wars. • The New Right are completely against immigration, because it waters down British culture and (they say) leads to higher unemployment. • Many Functionalists agree with the New Right opinion, but some point to the useful function served by immigration in the 1950s
Talcott Parsons 1950s
The nuclear family is essential for the proper socialisation of children and of parents
George Murdock 1940s
All societies have nuclear families , even if there are other relatives in families
David Cameron - Conservative PM
He wanted to encourage people to marry because it was good for children. He views family breakdown as a problem for society.
Julia Brannen
Although family structures have changed, people still feel a sense of kinship with relatives, so grandparents may support a lone mother with childcare. She says that people have fewer contacts with cousins, but people live longer, they are more likely to have grandparents and great grandparents still alive - a beanpole family
Robert Epstein (American researcher)
Interviews couples in arranged marriages (Indian, Pakistani, Japanese and Jewish culture) are more likely to commit to each other for life, whereas people in Europe and the USA have relationships that are much less strong He claims these marriages are based more on physical attraction, but arranged marriages are more careful with people thinking about whether they are socially and mentally matched.
McAllister and Clarke
Looked at why increasing numbers of women choose to be childfree. They said that many women felt single parenthood was not a good option, especially if they had a career. Children are expensive and time demanding so people choose not to take on the financial risks of children. The main reason being that the decision to have children was serious and they did not want the responsibility for the child’s life or getting parenting wrong.