sociologists Flashcards
goths have alternative style that they make or buy and do not earn the status through behaviour like other youth subcultures
youths will join youth subcultures for a smooth transition into adulthood with peers to support
rite of parsons
the education system is the best way to escape social class
upper classci can decide the culture of the lower classci
braverman and wright
reserve army of labour
emplyers having spare employees to keep wages low
class status and power
weberian idea
everyone wants to be successful
working class men formed gangs
wyn and white
young people tend to have a big interest in style and outlook
barr,one and duorris
barron and norris
primary and secondary job market, primary is good and u can have maternity leave and secondary is poor wages and hours
new tech new subcultures
punks are a form of resistance
cultural identities are more fluid nowadays and skinheads and punks only stick to one subculture
personal choise and taste are more important to youths than money or family
hall and teddyson
hall and jefferson
weakest classes have the strongest cultures
teddy boys
skinheads exaggerated working class masculity.
magical solutions, solves problems to join youth subcultures.
skinheads are usually students living on benefits and grants
many subcultures are from working class backgrounds
miss robber
critical sociologists ignore female roles in subcultures
supermarket of style
youth culture have now ceased to exist for young people and replaced by fluid and open movements called neo-tribes
luke and luke
insta and snap
culture nowadays derives from media and spreads globally becoming richer
study of gangsta rap and the evolution of media and culture
clas bradley
post modernists do not have a definition of class
ragga girls follow the culture of violence and crime
women do not like the macho attitudes but will still choose them when deciding on a boyfriend.
women exaggerated sex and used it as a tool against men
women ignored racist attitudes from teachers and tended to overachieve in school
taylor walton and young
working class youth choose to commit crime because of their experience of the injustices of capitalism in terms of wealth and power
black street crime reflects young black people’s anger at the way that white society and treated black society in history
the hidden curriculum teaches children how to conform
schools teach in middle class language and favour middle class students
cultural capital
2 tests to identify discrimination, everyone has same opportunities, the population of proteted characteristics is equal to the population of the surrounding area.
reay and lucy
some students and parents lie and cheat to get the child into a good enough school with better results
schools with high percentage of working class youth have bad hygene and health reports, those with good reports are all girl schools
gorard and stra tymms fication
exam results relate to parents stratification
safeguards that keep kids from failing are really strong and effective
chubby and moe
schools need to compete with eachother to improve their ofsted score
ball, bowe and gerwritez
educational changes such as new rite have improved secondary schools
gillbourne and youdell
neighbouring schools compete for grades
a-c economy
training kids to do working class jobs lowers there efforts in middle class jobs
clarke and willis
students are cheaper to employ than adults
hidden curriculum provides obedient workforce
education teaches kids to accept their stratification
connor and devon
1 of 5 higher education students come from working class backgrounds
david over-reynolds
impossible for capitalism to overrule the education system
working class students focused more on designing their own education
robert merton
strain theory
bynner and josh
social class differences have changed from 1950’s to 1990’s
hasley, heath and ridge
poor students know that their experience of school will be different to rich kid’s
teachers only teach in a middle class language
undermining of working class choices and confidence is a form of symbolic violence
archer and shita
year 11s in crowded areas of inner london had a sense of not being good enough
forsyth and furlong
student who come from deprived areas who go to uni may be the richest from these areas
heaton and lawson
teachers are still sexist getting the boys to move the furniture
warrington and young
women’s success is seen as a problem not an achievement
black girls in Brent are determined to get jobs that their mothers would’ve had if they’d succeeded
crime is good for
norms and conformity - regulation
bonds between society - integration
change of law and legislation - social change