Sociological Imagination Flashcards
What is Sociological Imagination?
- being able to recognise that we are brought up in a way that limits our worldviews
- undersatnding that there are social factors that influence people corcumatsnaces
- being able to look at the wider picture
What are social forces?
Social forces are things within society which have the capability of causing cultural change or which have the capability of influencing people.
What are the three aspects we look at when talking about sociological imagination?
Historical Factors - How have past events influenced the present?
Cultural Factors - The influence that tradition, cultural values and particular belief systems have on our behaviour and social interaction? Need to look at the ways cultural change has occurred and how this has been an impact? Need to look at the subcultures that exist within our society? Need to determine how our own cultural background influences our sociological gaze?
Structural Factors – The influence that various forms of social organisation and social institution have on our lives? How do these vary over time and between countries and regions?
Why is is imprtant for Nurses to use Sociological Imagination?
Helps us not to blame our individual clients for the troubles in their lives
Helps us to understand and question why some people are rich, some are poor, some are powerful, some are not
Helps us to understand and question why benefits of good health care are available to some people and not others
Helps us to suggest ways that we can realistically effect change in our lives, in the lives of our clients and in society
Helps us to overcome our limited perspective of society and the world