What are the preconditions for science
- ability to develop universal theories
- empirical
- high inter subjective relativity
- quantifiable
- Objectivity
Wilhelm and Heinrickert ( limitations for sociology as science)
described social sciences as idiographic and sciences as nomothetic. Hence there is a huge difference between the methodologies.
Karl Popper ( with respect to science as sociology )
- Only positivism is not science rather it overlooks aberration and kills the spirit of science
- science is a method of enquiry based on reason and evidence
- Even natural sciences cannot fulfil all preconditions of science
- Science is not a Body of Knowledge but a method of approaching and studying phenomena.
Write the three basic steps that the scientific method involves according to George Lundberg
- Systematic Observation
- Classification
- interpretation of data
what are the 7 criteria positivism
testability empiricism use of Scientific Method theory Building Naturalistic cause and effect Deductions
Favouring positivism
- Auguste Comte: True knowledge is based upon thinking physical and social world as a causal relationship between realities which we can observe directly or indirectly. The search for laws for society uses reason as well as observation.
- Saint Simon: Positivism was rooted in the science of society which is analogous to natural sciences.
Criticism ( Positivism )
- Phenomonlogists: facts don’t fall from the sky. Context is important.
- Post Modernist: nothing is a complete truth.
Things can be observed in many ways. - Theodore: reality has many layers, positivists only observe the upper one or two layers.
- Weber : meaning attached to social action by actors
- Paul Feyerabend: epistemological anarchy.
6.Reflexive sociology: humans reflect upon their own actions and change from time to time. ( Alvin Gouldner) - Ethnomethodologists: Harold Garfinkel - reality be studied from people’s perspective, not researchers’
Gunnar Myrdal: complete objectivity not desirable.
Jurgen Habermas: humans studying humans
subjectivity is obvious
define fact, concept and objectivity
fact is an empirically verifiable observation
Objectivity - during sociological research the investigator should remain value-free, bias-free, unprejudiced and detached.
concept: abstractions depicting object or phenomena.
first used by Weber.
duty of sociologists to acknowledge his biases and overcome them during sociological research.
value-neutrality can be defined as indifference to the matter in hand.
Jurgen Habermas critic of social facts
- humans study humans. Difficult to maintain a distinction between value facts.
- difficult to define and concretise social facts.
- human consciousness is intangible
William Whyte explains the bias using his study of Italian criminals
non-participant observer
participant non-observer
criticism around objectivity
Gunnar Myrdal: complete objectivity is an illusion and it loses the reformist agenda of sociology.
Elvin Gouldner: fact and value are inseparable and value-neutrality is an elusive goal.
Wilhelm Dilthey: fact-based approach explores only one dimension.
Theodore Adorno: Positivism is negative dialectics.
Max Horkheimer: contemporary sociology demands plural theories.
Hammersley in WHO NEEDS IT, 2011
the fallibility of knowledge is not ab excuse to abandon the search for knowledge
Phenomologists / Gabriella Farina
study of phenomena in the society
style of thoughts and method by which investigator can have different experiences and results each time
critic of phenomenologists
resembles to common sense
very subjective