Society and New media Flashcards
WK 1&2
Define New Media
New media refers to digital, networked, Interactive and hypertextual platforms that reshape the representation, distribution and interaction with content.
New media combines the traditional media forms (text, video, audio) with digital technologies facilitating for real-time, user-generated content, global audience reach.
WK 1&2
New media according to Manuel Castells (2009)
New media are digital, interactive, hypertextual, networked, and socially shared forms of communication that reshape the flow of information in society. These media have a profound effect on the structure of human communication and the organization of social movements and political processes.
Wk 1&2
New media according to Lev Manovich (2001)
New media is a cultural form that uses digital technologies for representation, distribution, and interaction. New media platforms combine traditional media (such as text, audio, and video) with the capabilities of digital technologies (such as interactivity, real-time engagement, and networking).
Wk 1&2
List the forms/types of new media
- Social Media platforms
- Blogs and vlogs
- Podcasts
- Websites and Wikis
- Augmented reality and Virtual reality
- Online Gaming
- Streaming Platforms
WK 1&2
List the characteristics of New Media
- Interactive
- Digital and Networked
- Multimedia
- Hypertextual
- Non-Linearity
- Global reach and instant comunication
- User-generated
- accecible and adaptable
WK 1&2
What is New Media Literacy?
New Media literacy are crucial set of skills for navigating the new media landscape, this skills allow individuals to create, consume, interact with and evaluate new media content
WK 1&2
What are the new media literacy skills
- Critical Thinking
- Ethical Engagement
- Content Creation
- Social Engagement
- Media production and consumption
- Digital Security awerness
Wk 1&2
What are crowd Sourcing Platforms
Crowedsourced platforms are platforms that that leverages contributions from a large group of people (the “crowd”) to solve problems, generate content, or fund projects. These platforms rely on the collective intelligence, creativity, or resources of users rather than centralized entities, enabling scalable collaboration and innovation. e.g Wikipidia, kickstater
WK 3&4
In Chronological order, discuss the eveolution of new media.
- Early forms of new media (pre internet era): invention of printing press in 1442 (johanness Gutenberg), photography and film, radio and television
- The Digital Revolution (Late 20th Centuary): Tim Berners lee development of the world wide web in 1991, Early social media (mySpace 2003, friendster 2002) launch of google search engine in 1998
- Rise of Web 2.0 and Social media: Social media explotion, Smart phone and mobile media, release of the iphone in 2007, streaming servicies replacing traditional television
- User-Generated content and influencer Era: Vlogging, influencer market, viral culture
- AI and Immersive Media: AI and chatbots, AR and VR, Decentralized media and blockchain
WK 3&4
List the differneces between traditiona media and the new media
- Mode of communication
- Audience reach
- Content format
- Speed of dissemination
- cost of production and access
- reguation and control
- Content- creation and dissemination
- interactivity
WK 3&4
Explain with examples what is new media convergence
New media convergence can be defined as the merging of previously distinct media forms, platforms or technologies into an intergrated system to enchance real time and easier creation, consumption and interaction with contents.
WK 3&4
List and explain the types of New Media Convergence
- Technological Convergence: This is the integrating of various distinct technologies into one, e.g the smartphone now has a camera, calculator, voice recorder e.t.c
- Industrial Convergence: This is when multiple industries are merged into a single unified business. e.g Amazon originally started as an online bookstore now encompass industries ranging from retail to web services to streaming platforms
- Cultural Convergence: This is the process where two of more cultures become similar. The media has exposed cultures to the world and the world to cultures which allows for element of on culture to mix in another leading to the rise of global culture
WK 3&4
List pragmatic example of New Media Convergence
- Streaming Services
- Social Media Platforms
- The Shift from print to Digital Media
- Video Games and Virtual reality
WK 5&6
Discuss the impact of new media on social interaction and communication
New media has allowed for the creation of virtual communties and facilitated global communication brigeing borders and bringing together of different cultures and people.
WK 5&6
Economic Impact of the New Media
The new media is a major factor in the economic conditions of most people in this era has it allows for wider audnience reach for buisness people, job creation, e.g the prevalence of remote more starting majoly from the Covid 19 pandemic has reshaped countries economics allowing for a wider labour market
WK 5&6
Discuss, New Media and Political Engagement
New media is fostering political participation and activism by making more people aware of political stiuation in their country and globally, allowing for rapid mobilization and political protest e.g #EndSars and the Arab spring. New media has aslo brought the government to the people enabling more participation in political activities. E.g Barack Obama’s presidental campaigns
WK 5&6
Impact of New Media on Education and Knowledge sharing
The New Media has liberated Education form the 4 walls of a classroom to the freedom on the entire internet, with the the creation of Video Confrencing apps like zoom, google meet which has been adopted by schools to facilitate online learning, e.g The university of Lagos. It also enabled Knowlege sharing with platforms MOOCs, udemy, cousera for onling learning and various site that publish and list articles
WK 5&6
Explore the relationship between Cultural expression and New Media
The New media has brought a whole spectrum of previously magnialized cultures to light allowing for new realm of creative ideas and cultural exchange. E.g The Nigeria Afrobeat is become globally recognisned with some artists even been norminated for global recognized awards
WK 5&6
List the uses and challenges of new media technologies
- Communication and Social Interaction
- Education and Learning
- News and Information Dissemination
- Commerce and Business
- Entertainment and Media Consumption
- Political Participation and Activism
- Health and Well-being
- Civic Engagement and Government Transparency
How does New Media impede social Interaction
- Erosion of face to face Communication
- Digital Divide and Exclusion
- cyberbullying and social media addiction