Society Flashcards
What is “Localism”?
A Conservative belief that society is a collection of localised communities
How do Liberals and Conservatives views on localism differ?
Liberals belive society is a colection of atomistic individuals
Conservatives believe society is a collection of localised communities
What is a Burke quote about Localism?
“Little Platoons” - Reflections on hte revolution in France (1790)
What did Burke argue localism did for people?
Provided individuals with security, status and inspiration
Acted as a brake against classical liberal ‘selfishness’
What is Organicism?
The Conservative belief that society emerges organically over time
How do Liberals and Conservatives views on Organicism differ?
Liberals believe mankind can make its own destiny and can change and plan society themselves
Conservatives believe that life is subject to complex forces beyond the scope of reason and therefore society cannot be planned, only formed organically
What is Empiricism?
Conservatives preference for evidence and practiality
It deals with how ‘life is’ and not how it ‘should be’
What does Normative mean?
How things ‘should be’ in the future
Hated by conservatives as they believe existence is uncertain
What does Progressive mean?
Ideas held by ideologies like Liberalism and Socialism
Belief that problems have solutions and they must solve them to have a better future
How do Liberals (and Socialists) and Conservatives views on Empiricism differ?
Liberals (and Socialists) have a normative view of society, they have ideas on how society ‘should be’ and think that the future should be planned for to be made better
Conservatives believe that society should be Empirical and see things as they are, not as they ‘should be’ becuase the future is uncertain
What is an Oakshott quote about Empiricism?
Oakshott said society aims to “stay afloat in uncertain waters” rather then to sail towards some specific destination (like a more equal society) which may be an illusion
Why is tradition so important to Conservatives?
It guides them in an uncertain world
What did Oakshott say about tradition?
“Just as a plant’s new leaves are connected to, dependent on and explained by the plants roots and branches, so a society’s present direction stems from its past development”
How does tradition effect Conservatives views on change and reform?
While change and reform is inevitable it must be slow and respectful of tradition and history
Why do Conservatives think Hierarchy exists?
Due to imperfections in society, people are unequal (wiser, richer e.g.) and so the wisest and richest people establish a heirachy of power and priviledge
What did Burke say about Hierarchy?
“the wiser, stronger and more opulent” establish a hierarchy of power
What responsibilities comes with Hierarchy?
People at the top of the hierarchy have to show paternalism and noblesse oblige. The relationship between the weak and strong in a society is similar to the relationship between a father and son
How do Conservatives and Liberals differ on views of Hierarchy?
Liberals stress ‘foundational equality’ and that everyone is born equal while conservatives do not and as a result hierarchy forms
How are Conservatives morality guided?
Old Testament Chistianity guides many conservative morals. As a result conservatives see marriage, families and religion as important.
How do conservatives view property?
Conservatives see it is important as it supports tradition and continuity. It is passed down from generation to generation, supporting Conservative beliefs of family and stability.
How does property link with a paternalistic society?
Those who have property have a stake in society so will help to look after those less fortunate and improve society as a whole. Also, it discorages revolution
What is a Burke quote on property?
An ideal society is one that has a “partnership between those who are living, those who are dead and those who are yet to be born” shows importance of passing down property between family
Why do new right thinkers like Rand and Norzic believe that property is important?
It promotes individual liberty and encourages people to protect that liberty