society Flashcards
name the 7 themes conservatives think are conducive to stability, security and order:
-judeo-christian morality
explain localism:
-society is a collection of localised communities, which provide their individuals with security, status and inspiration whilst also acting as a brake on egotistical individualism
-idea of atomistic society
explain organicism:
-society is not created, it emerges gradually and organically
-this shows conservatives’ scepticism because they see the ‘reality’ of an unplanned organic society, proof that human life is subject to outside circumstances out of your control
-therefore society is reactionary and adaptive
explain empiricsm:
-as society is organic, it’s also empirical - conservatives tend to not over-theorise things, and instead deal with society’s issues in a practical evidential way - emphasises ‘what is’ over ‘what could be’
-they don’t plan for problems in the future - instead they deal with it when it happens
-a conservative society is one that merely aims to stay ‘afloat’ (Oakeshott) rather than move towards a specific destination (e.g. a more equal society) which they believe may ultimately not be possible
explain tradition:
-custom and habits are used to provide security in an uncertain world, with history and experience shaping whatever changes become necessary
-change and reform are inevitable but must be slow, not drastic, and must be respectful of the past
-‘a society’s present direct stems from its past development’ - Oakeshott
explain hierarchy:
-they don’t believe humans are born equal, as the imperfections of humanity lead to inequalities in human nature
-this leads to an unequal society where the ‘wiser, stronger and more opulent’ (Burke) establish a hierarchy of power and privilege
-even the smallest community would have a hierarchical structure, with a minority exercising control over a majority
-the power of privilege and authority comes with responsibility - known as ‘noblesse oblige’
explain judeo-christian morality:
-conservatism has a stronger attachment to religion - old testament christianity and the original sin
-society guided by emphasis on marriage, nuclear families, and individuals being held accountable for their own actions
-traditional religious principles will bind individuals together and curb human imperfection
-e.g. thatcher promoted traditional marriage by giving a tax break to married couples
explain property:
-respect for property
-rather than something that is aquired by autonomous individuals, property should be inherited from one generation to another - tied to view of tradition
-inherited property provides stability in an uncertain world