Socialism - society Flashcards
Broad agreement on vision for society rooted in collectivism, equality and critique of hierarchy/ DIVERGE on how these values should be enacted within society. Gen values of importance of community and the need for equality but diverge on the best means to achieving these goals.
Collectivism - agree
importance of community and prioritise collective interests over the individual - stems from belief that humans are social creatures who thrive in cooperative environments –> community is imperative for humans to flourish - marx - capitalism alienated individuals from one another (rev) Crosland - stresses importance of fostering community (SD)
collectivism disagree
METHOD FOR ACHIEVING - Rev Marx - collectivism cannot exist within a capitalist framework as the system inherently promotes individualism through private property - wants rev overthrow to make a classless society based on true collectivism. Crosland - SD - collectivism can work alongside capitalist framework through reforms like nationalisation of key industries (health/education)/support for trade unions w out abolishing P.Property
summary judgment collectivism
Socialists agree on importance of collectivisation but disagree on method to achieving (revolution or reform)
Equality agree
Greater social equality is essential to creating a just society. Capitalism creates unjust inequality and state intervention is needed to address such disparity - united critique of exploitation of unchecked capitalism and the concentration of wealth/power in the hands of a few
Equality disagree
Disagree on the extent equality should be pursued/means it should be achieved - Rev Marx complete equality of outcome, abolition of and equal distribution of wealth - integral to end of class - based oppression //SD Crosland - narrow the gap between rich and poor through reformative measures such as progressive taxation/welfare systems- managed capitalism so equalities are significantly diminished but not eliminated
equality summary judgment
Disagreements over how socialists can achieve equality show significant divergences over methods though they share the same commitment. Visions of ‘equal society’ differ - socialists are disunited
Social hierarchy agree
Central feature to capitalism, contributes to inequality/ exploits disparity - state needs to intervene to an extent in order to minimise social hierarchy and create a fairer society - consensus critique against a bourgeoise controlling the means of production/exploiting the proletariat
social hierarchy disagree
How to address class inequality- rev marx - class distinction is the driver of unequal and exploitative society and must be overthrown through revolution - equality ensured through abolishment of class and distribution of means of production to individuals//Crossland SD - class system can be managed. state can intervene to address class inequality through social welfare/education. Working class could be supported through targeted reforms w/out need for revolution.
social hierarchy summary judgment
fundamental differences in how socialist view class and how it shld be managed (through rev or managed through reforms) show more significant disagreement than agreement.
disagreement on methods and outcomes of addressing collectivism, equality and social hierarchy. Agree on values but not means to achieving them.