socialisation Flashcards
primary socialisation
takes place in the early years of life and occurs largely within family, where we learn language and basic skills .
secondary socialisation
takes place later, at school and wider society
a group within a larger culture that differentiates itself through distinct values and beliefs.
a position in society
social status assigned at birth
functionalists belief
society is held together by a shared culture into which all its members are socialised
structural view
sees us as entirely shaped by the structure of society (the way society is organised or set up.)
social action view
sees us as having free will and choice.
marxist belief
They see
society as based on class conflict, not consensus.
The minority capitalist class, or bourgeoisie
own the means of production such as the factories, raw materials and land.
The majority working class, or proletariat
own nothing but their own labour, which they have to sell to the bourgeoisie in order to survive.
believe that society is diverse, fragmented, and constantly changing, rejecting universal truths or grand narratives about how it works, and instead focusing on how individuals construct their own meanings and realities.
postmodernists exaggerate how far things have really changed. In particular, postmodernists ignore the continuing importance of social inequality and the ways this limits people’s choices and shapes their lives. And they ignore class , gender age inequalities
karl marx (1818-1883)
believed would eventually lead to the working class overthrowing capitalism and creating a classless, equal society.
refers to shared culture and identity.