social vocabulary Flashcards
What is alignment ?
An alliance or agreement. During the Cold War, some countries aligned themselves with either the United States of the Soviet Union to gain political, economic, and security benefits.
What is the Anti-Terrorism Act?
A set of laws passed in December 2001, in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. It gave the Canadian governmemt special powers, such as surveillance and detention, for dealing with people carrying out activities thought to be associated with terrorism. Some of the act’s measures, such as that of preventative arrest, expired in March 2007.
What is the anti war movement?
organized campaigns against war. the Vietnam anti-war movement gained public support during the late 1960’s and contributed to the United States ending that war. These movements can be pacifist in generall, and aimed at ending or restricting the military policies options, or they can be movements opposing specific military campaigns.
What is Authoritarianism?
a form of goverment with authority vested in an elite group that may or may not rule in the interests of the people. Authoritarian political systems take many forms, including oligarchies, military dictatorship, ideological one party states, amd monarchies.
what is Assumption
The belief that something is right or wrong, without proof.
what is Belief
A principle, philosophy or code that defines what is important or desirable.
what is Collective Identity
Shared characteristics of a group of people. For example, everyone born in Canada is a Canadian.
what is Collective Norms
Culturally established rules prescribing appropriate behavior.
what is collectivism
An approach to social organization that puts the needs of the group as a whole above the needs and rights of individuals within the group.
what is Common Good
The welfare of society as a whole
what is communism
a political, social and economic system in which property is collectively owned and each citizen works for the common good according to his or her abilities and receives according to his or her needs.
what is conservative
A belief that society should remain the way it has been traditionally.
What is the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms?
is a document entrenched in the Constitutional Act, in 1982 that lists and describes the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to Canadians
What is Censorship?
The act of ristricting freedom of access to ideas or works, usually by governments, and usually to protect the percieved common good, may be related to speech, writings, works of art, religious practices, or military matters.
What is Chartism?
A working-class movement in Britain that focused on political and social reform from 1838 to 1848