social vocab. Flashcards
An alliance or agreement.
Aboriginal Healing Fund
An Aboriginal- managed, Ottawa based, not-for-profit private corporation with the mission to help Aborginal people build healing processes that address the legacy of abuses such as the residential school system.
Adherence to collective norms
Faithful observance of the norms or standards imposed on the members of a group as a condition of member-ship on the group
American Bill of Rights
The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution.
Anit-Terrorism Act
A set of laws passed in December 2001, inm response to the september 11, 2001 attacks.
Anti-war movements
Organized campaigns against war.
A strict, legislated system of racial segregation and discrimination against Black and other “coloured” South Africans set in place by the National Party of South Africa from 1948 to 1994
Self-sufficiency or independence from other countries.
A form of government with authorityvested in an elite group that may or may not rule in the interests of the people.
A state of individual freedom form outside authority.
Bank Run
A situation in which too many depositors try to withdraw their savings from a financail instituion, endangering it with bankruptcy.
Beliefs and Values
Important aspects of identity that influence behaviour and choices, and that guide people in their interactions with others and how they view the world.
A refusak to do business with or to associate with a person, organization, or counrty as an expression of protest.
International behaviour or forgeign policy that takes a country to the brink of war; pushing one’s demands to the point of threatening military action.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
A document entrenched in the Constitution Act, 1982 that lists and describes the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed to Canadians.
The money or other assets with which an entrepreneur starts in business; any tool or mechanism used in the creation of wealth.
Capitalism ( Laissez-faire Capitalism)
An economic system based on free markets, fair competition, wise consumers, and profit-motivated producers; a minimum of government involvement is favored.
The act of restricting freedom of expression or freedom of access to ideas or works, usually by governments, and usually to protect the perceived commomn good.
A working-class movement in Britain that focused on political and social reform from 1838 to 1848
Citizen advocacy
A movement to strengthen citzen action and motivation to participate in community and civi affairs.
Membership by birth or naturalization in a society, community, or counrty that entails definable rights of participation and protection, and certain responsibilties and duties to the society, community, or counrty.
Civil disobedience
The refusal to obey a law because it is considered to be unjust.
Civil rights movements
Popular movements, notably in the Uniterd States in the 1950s abnd 1960s, that work to extend rights to marginalized mebers of society.