Social variations: Gender, age and employment Flashcards
Why were women seen as more likely to be witches?
Weaker sex, more likely to succumb to temptation
What book put the view of women forward?
Malleus Maleficarum
Why else were women more frequently persecuted?
- Over inquisitive
- More easily deceived
- The nature of their work
What society caused women to be persecuted?
What power were women seen to have?
Able to transform things
When were male witches prosecuted?
When hunts got out of control or if named as an accomplice
Where were 90% of witches condemned, male?
What % of witches were male in Russia?
At what age were women most likely to be prosecuted and why?
Over 50 years old; eccentricity
Why is the age of prosecution that old?
Suspected witches for years but not sentenced
Why were elderly women accused?
In need of charity
Why were women seen to be seduced by the devil?
If they had no husband
Why were women blamed at home?
- Children dying of fevers
- Bread not rising
- Milk curdling
What were men likely to be seen as?