Social Studies Vocab Flashcards
Policy of extending a countries power and influence through diplomacy
Advocacy of political independence for a particular country
White Man’s Burden
The task that white colonizers believed they had to impose their civilization on the black inhabitants of their colonies
The deliberate killing of a particular group of people
A system of segregation on grounds of race
Evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture
Rite of Passage
A ceremony marking an important stage in someone’s life , especially birth, puberty, marriage, and death.
Developed Nation
High standards of living, and economies based on a combo of industry, service, and agriculture.
Developing Nation
Lower standards of living based on industry, service, and agriculture.
A sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group.
Mandate of Heaven
An ancient chinese belief and philosophical idea that tian granted emperors the right to rule based on their ability to govern well and fairly.
Dynastic Cycle
An important political theory in Chinese history.
Filial Piety
A virtue of respect for one’s father, elders, and ancestors.
A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rater than by elected representatives.
A Japanese religion dating from the early 8th century and incorporating the worship of ancestors and nature spirits and a belief in sacred power in both animate and inanimate things.