Social Studies Meds Flashcards
What is family?
Family is a group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption and who share a common household or residence and are dependent on one another.
What are the types of unions?
Legal marriage
Common law/consensual union and
Visiting relationship
List 1 disadvantage of Nuclear Family
Although Adults of both parents may be present, this does not mean they play a meaningful role in the child’s life.
List the factors that assist in preparation for parenthood
Adequate housing
Emotional maturity
A peaceful and loving relationship
List characteristics of effective parents
Knowlege of good nutrition
Problem solving skills
Socialization skills
Disciplinary skills
Communication skills
Money Management skills
Define polygamy, monogamy, polygyny and polyandry
Polygamy: One person with more than one spouse
Monogamy: One husband with one wife
Polygyny: One man, more than one wife
Polyandry: One woman, more than one husband
Discuss the ways in which family and gender roles have changed
Both parents are not bread winners
Decision making is more equitable
Household duties are no longer the sole duty of the female members
Grand parents are less likely to be involved.
List atleast 3 positive effects of changing roles in the carribean
- Greater level of equality among men and women
- Greater self esteem, confidence and independence among women
- Children more independent and self reliant
- Families more outgoing and tolerant
- Greater help financially with both partners working
List atleast 3 negative effects of changing roles in the carribean
- Latch-key children, left unsupervised for long periods
- Less time spent together
- Greater reliance on external help
- The double burden
- Identity crisis
- Role conflict
List atleast 5 example of social problems
Teenage Pregnancy
Street Children
Substance abuse
Juvenile delinquency
Sexually transmitted infections
Child abuse
Domestic violence
Trafficking in persons
What are social issues?
These are questions which are discussed within a society. No Negative connotation is implied.
what are social problems?
A term used to describe many conditions in society and undesirable behaviours. These behaviours lead to social disorganization, and therefore create a need for change by deliberate social action on part of the government or other groups in the society
Lists effects of social problems on the: Individual, family and the society
Effects on the individual:
- affect health
- affect school
- affect relationship with others
Effects on the family:
- Cause conflict and unhappiness
- prevent family from meeting basic needs
Effects on the society:
- make society unsettled and unstable
- expensive to government
- reduces productivity of labour force
List atleast 3 strategies for dealing with social problems
Formal and informal education
individual and community efforts
Passing laws and rules
Spending money on prevention and curative measures
What is culture?
Culture is all the customs, beliefs , ideas and behaviours of a society that have been passed on from generation to generation
Explain 2 ways in which a family Socializes it’s members
- Teaching them the values and attitudes which form the accepted behaviour of the society and by sanctioning appropriate beaviour
- Teach Children/ younger members of the family their roles and act as role models for them
- Teaching them basic skills such as personal grooming and how to undertake responsibilities.
List and explain the 4 funtions of the family
- Procreation: The biological process of having children
- Socialization: The process by which we learn to become members of the society both by internalizing the norms of the society and also by learning to perform our social roles
- Satisfaction of Economic needs: The family has a responsibility to provide for the basic economic needs of it’s members. These include: food, clothing, and shelter.
- Satisfaction of emotional needs: Families are charged with taking care of their members’ emotional needs in times of crisis as well as on a daily basis.
Define the term ‘formal group’
A formal group is defined as a social group with a formal structure, membership requirements, and formally chosen leadership
Define the term ‘Cultural diversity’
Cultural diversity is defined as the variation of cultural practicies found within a specific place (the world, a region, or country). This extends to all aspects of life, including social structures.
Define the following terms: Laws, Norms, Mores, Folkways
Laws: Rules which have been set out by the state.
Norms: Unwritten rules that define acceptable behaviour in particular situations.
Mores: Norms central to regulating human behaviour from a moral standpoint. Many are enshrined in law and breaking them carries heavy sanctions.
Folkways: Customs which relate to the culture of a particular group. example: Carnival within the carribean.
List and explain 5 techniques used to maintain stability within groups
Laws: Rules wich have been set out by the state
Rules: explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure within a particular area of activity.
folkways: Customs which relate to the culture of a particular group
Mores: Norms central to regulating human behaviour from a moral standpoint.
Norms: Unwritten rules that define acceptable behaviour from a moral standpoint
Customs: these are practices followed by people of a particular group or region.
Define the term ‘Sanction’ and give examples of negative sanctions
Sanction: a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule
Examples of negative sanctions:
fines, suspension or expulsion from the group.
Define the term ‘institution’
An institution is a society or organization created to adress the concerns and needs of a given human community and promote order and co-operation among its individual members.
List the 5 basic functions of institutions. Give an example of each
- economic
- Banks - educational
- Schools - recreational
- Community centres - religious
- Churches - political
- Government
List atleast 3 functions of educational institiutions
- Provide academic knowledge and investigation
- Train students for the job market
- teach pro- social behaviour and a good work ethic
- provide students with the discipline needed for the world of work
- encourage students to develop an enquiring and analytical mind.
- Assist students in becoming good problem solvers, creative, and inventive.
List functions of religious institutions
- Promoting moral and ethical behaviour
2. Provide answers for existential questions such as: ‘why am i here?’ and/or ‘What happens to me when i die’
List and explain atleast 4 factors that influence Voter Participation
- Religion: Some Religious denominations do not allow their members to participate in political elections.
- Ethnicity: In multi-ethnic societies where the electorate votes in ethnic groups, members of the smaller groups may not be inclined ti vote because they think that their vote will not change the political situation.
- Illiteracy: Some illiterate people tend to shy away from the election registration process and therefore are unable to participate in elections.
- Party Loyalty: Political parties have attracted core of loyal supporters, most of whom support them in all situations.
- Campain promises: Promises may attract those voters who feel that they stand to benefit from a particular party being elected to government
- Quality of candidates: Dissatisfaction with the quality of the candidate(s) may influence some voters not to vote
Define the following terms: Resources, Natural Resources and Human resources
Resources: Factors which can be used to meet human needs and wans, and contribute
Natural resources: Features of the physical environment which humans can use to satisfy their needs.
Human resources: Human skills, abilities and qualities, when considered as a resource for the development of a country or a business.
Define the following terms: Non- Renewable resoureces and Renewable resources. List 3 examples
Non-renewable resources: Resources which are not naturally replaced when they are used. e.g: oil, bauxite
Renewable resources: Resources which remain in existence when they are used, or which are naturally relplaced, such as rain fall. e.g: Soil, Climate, Vegetation.
Where in the carribean are the following resources found: Oil, Natural Gas, Bauxite, Gold and diamonds, Limestone
Oil: Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Barbados
Natural gas: Trinidad and Tobago. Barbados
Bauxite: Jamaica, Guyana, Suriname
Gold and diamonds: Guyana, Suriname
Limestone: Jamaica, Barbados, Belize, Bahamas, other locations.
State the uses of the following resources: Oil, Natural gas, Bauxite, Gold and diamonds. Limestone
Oil: Used for Fuel
Natural Gas: Used for fuel and making chemicals
Bauxite: Used for Making aluminium and Making chemicals
Gold and diamonds: Used for Jewelry, dentistry, electronics
What are the stages in the integration movement
WIF (West Indies Federation) 1958-1962
CARIFTA (Carribean Free Trade Association) 1965 - 1972
CARICOM(Carribean Community) 1973
OECS (Organization of Eastern Carribean States) 1981
ACS (Association of Carribean States) 1994
CSME ( Carribean Single Market and Economy) 2002
What is Regional Integration?
Regional Integration is defined as the unification of countries through economic agreements
Describe the stages in the integration movement of the carribean
- West Indies Federation (1958 - 1962)
- CARIFTA ( 1968- 1973 )
- CARICOM (1973…)
- OECS: Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (1981…)
- CSME: 1989
- ACS: Association of Caribbean
States (1995…)
What are the objectives of OECS ( Organization of Eastern Carribean States )
- Economic harmonization and integration
- Protection of human and legal rights
- Encouragement of good governance among independent and non-independent countries in the eastern carribean
What are the objectives of CARICOM? (Carribean Community)
- Increasing free trade in regionally produced goods among members of the Common Market beyond the level of CARIFTA, and also encouraging members to pursue common trade policies when dealing with non-member states
- encouraging the independent member states to adopt, as far as possible, a common policy when dealing with non-member states and international organizations
- encouraging member states to share the costs of establishing and operating organizations which provide common services for the region in areas including education, culture, health, communications and industry.
Objectives of the CSME (Carribean Single Market Economy)
- The CSME aims to promote the develop of the region individually and collectively
- Increasing the output of goods and services
- Improving the welfare of Caricom citizens.
List and Explain atleast 3 benefits of Regional Integration to citizens
- Increased employment oppurtunities: The categories of skilled people who are allowed to migrate and live and work in any member state without a work permit will benefit from increased employment oppurtunities in the countries where their skills are in high demand.
- Free movement of capital: Citizens will be able to transfer money to any member state without having to obtain permission. The freedom to move their capital to any part of the region will allow citizens to take advantage of investment oppurtunities in any member state.
- Sense of community: Regional integration is intended to develop a greater sense of community among Caricom citizens. They are being encouraged to see themselves as kith and kin (family and friends).
- Access to common services: The provision of common services through the sharing of costs by Caricom governments wil enable citizens to benefit from some important services which their respective governments may not have been able to provide alone.
List and explain atleast 3 benefits of Regional integration to businesses
- Access to larger Regional Market: Regional Integration has given Carbbean businesses access to a larger regional market for their goods as a result of the removal of the barriers to intra-regional trade and the pooling of national markets.
- Access to the resources of other member states:
Carribean producers now have access to the resources of other member states. The Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas, which allows for free movement of capital within the region, enables Carribean producers to raise capital from a wider regional market for starting up or for expanding their businesses. - Protection by the common external tariff (CET): The imposistion of Caricom’s CET serves to make foreign imports more expensive. This to some extent gives Carribean producers who would’ve had difficulty matching the foreign producers’ lower prices a chance to compete with them in the regional market.
- Right of establishment: Carribean business people can move their existing business to, or establish a new business in, any member state and enjoy the same priveliges as any national producer.
List and explain atleast 3 benefits of regional integration to countries/ region
- Reduced cost of government: Functional cooperation has enabled Carribean countries both in the OECS and Caricom to provide several important services which they would not have been able to provide individually.
- Increased trade: Carribean countries have experienced an increase in trade with their regional partners as a result of the removal of the barriers to intra-regional trade. This increase in intra-regional trade has helped to reduce unemployment and poverty and improve the welfare of citizens.
- Closer-knit region: Regional integration has helped to create a closer- knit region. This has resulted from an increase in mutual dependence among Caricom countries and from the concern and support shown for each other, particularly during times of natural disasters.
- Increased bargaining power: Regional integration has enabled Caricom countries to increase bargaining power to negotiate with non-Caricom countries.
Define Communication
Interaction through messages or signals, usually between people but also, for example, between computers and other machines or between animals.
List 2 forms of Communication and give examples of each
- Verbal Communication: Verbal communication uses words. e.g: Speech, writing, song
- Non-Verbal communication: Does not use words, e.g: pictograms/pictographs, gestures, posture, screams, mime.
List and explain atleast 3 factors that influence consumer demand
Income: Income creates demand. Consumers’ disposable income determines what they can afford to buy. As consumers’ disposable income increases, they begin to demand certain goods and services which they could not have afforded on the lower income.
Price: The price of an item helps consumers to determine whether or not they can afford it. However, if consumers can afford it but they think that it is overpriced they may not buy it. They are more likely to buy a more competitively priced substitute instead.
Advertising: Sellers use pursuasive and informative advertising to encourage consumers to buy their goods and services.
Size of household: The quantity of a product which consumers demand will vary as the size of their household changes
List and explain ways in which consumers practice thrift
- Budgeting: They make a plan in which they estimate their personal or the household’s income and expenses over a specified future period of time and they usually stick to it.
- Save regularly: Saving is and important feature of a budget. Thrifty consumers, who are able, try to avoid spending all of their disposable income.
- Practice the three Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle: Through recycling, consumers avoid throwing away items which they or others can reuse
- Use possesions wisely and carefully: The wise and careful use of our household and other possesions hekos to ensure that they last and that we dont have to spend money frequently to replace them.
Define Globalization
Globalization is the process by which the world’s seperate economies are becoming interconnected as a result of the improvements in transportation and communication and the removal of the barriers to trade and the flow of capital and information.
Define Trade Liberalization:
The removal of or the reduction of trade practices that restrict the free flow of goods from one country to another
List and explain atleast 3 effects of Globalization and trade liberalization
- Carribean consumers now have access to a wider variety of cheaper impoerted goods
- Global media is also exposing regional consumers to advertsiements for foreign products and they are being encouraged to develop new tastes for these peoducts
- Carribean producers face the real possibility of losing their regional and extra-regional markets and being forced out of business by more efficient foreign companies and cheaper goods if they fail to become competitive.
- Increased employment if the countries are able to increase trade