Social Studies Exam Chapter 2 Flashcards
Pride or affection for their country
Joseph Stalin quote about dehumanization of soldiers
If one man dies of hunger, that is tragedy. If millions die that is statistics
A policy for extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy (profession, activity or skill of managing international relations) or military force
Great Britain?
“The sun never sets on the British empire” Britain became tremendously wealthy by its empire
Repeatedly gotten itself into trouble with its big empire
Belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or pro,one national interests
Nationalism #1
Strong feeling or proud feeling of their own country
Nationalism #2
Exists within an ethnic group that does not have its own country
Friends with another country, so it anything happens to that country their alliance can help them
Triple alliance?
Consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Triple entente?
Also known as allied powers. Consisted of France, Russia, and Britain
June 28, 1914, Archduke Ferdinand, was killed by Gravilo Princip a member of the black hand
Hand over your terrorists or face war. In other words, Is a threat which states that one must meet certain conditions of face consequences
When does Austria-Hungary declare war on France?
July 28, 1914
How did Canada help Britain in war?
Canada sent military support. 25,000 men trained had been sent to Britain to fight in the war.
Why did Canada join the war?
Patriotism. Canadians felt proud for fighting for Canada. They thought that war was going to be an exiting adventure, and romantic
What is CEF?
Canadian Expeditionary Force
No one can win
Trench Warfare?
Was a standard war tactic. Trenches were usually 400 meters apart. Between the trenches there was a narrow strip called no man’s land.
Total war?
All the resources of a nation are organized for one’s purpose- to win the war
Poison gas?
Used for the first time in the battle of Ypres. Exposure to chlorine gas caused blindness, stripped the lining of the lungs, and eventually caused people to choke, or drown.
Post traumatic stress disorder
Machine guns?
Are artillery fire accounted for most of the deaths throughout the war.
The battle of Vimy ridge?
October 19