Social Studies Flashcards
Article I of the Constitution
Defines the legislative branch and vests power to legislate in the Congress of the United States.
Article 2 of the Constitution
Describes the executive powers of the president. Enforced the laws of the land.
Article 3 of the Constitution
Defines the judicial branch as the Supreme Court and such inferior courts as congress sees necessary to establish.
What is Federalism?
The sharing power among the national, state, and local governments.
Primary function of the government
Maintain order, settle conflicts, and protect the community
America’s first national government was based on the …
Articles of Confederation
Where is the EU capital?
Brussels, Belgium
Opportunity cost
Whenever limited resources are used to satisfy one want or need, there are other wants and needs that remain unsatisfied.
Opportunity cost is the next best alternative that must be given up when a choice is made.
Decisions by a business that affect the decisions of other businesses, which affect the decisions of other businesses.
Factors of Production
The four basic factors used to produce goods and services.
Labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurship
All economic systems answer these 3 basic questions…
What will we produce with our resources?
How will we produce these goods?
For whom will we produce these goods?
Traditional Economy
In a traditional economy, answers to 3 basic economic questions are based on how they were addressed in the past.
There is little difference from generation to generation about who will do what and how it will be done. New ways are generally rejected.
Traditional economies are typically found in fuel regions with subsistence farming.
Market Economy
The 3 basic economic questions are answered by individuals and privately owned corporations rather than by the government.
The exchange of goods, services, and info takes place in a free market governed by the law of supply and demand, which determines the price of goods and services.
Command Economy
The government provides the answers to the three basic economic questions.
State planners decide which products are produced, how they are produced, and how they are distributed.
The state owns all property and controls all resources including land, labor, and capital.
Consumer needs receive little attention in this type of economy.
Mixed Economy
The government and the marketplace answer the 3 basic economic questions.
I do yams and firms enjoy varying degrees of economic freedom, but they are also subject to a range of government regulation.
Common examples of mixed economies include the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, and the UK.
Stone Age
Subdivided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.
A time span beginning more than a million years ago in which several homo species used crude rock tools.
When was the Mesolithic age?
120,000 to 7,000 years ago
When was the Neolithic age?
7,00 to 5,500 years ago
When was the Bronze Age?
5,500 to 32,00 years ago
When was the Iron Age?
3,200 years ago
When was the collapse of Rome?
497 CE
What/when were the dark ages?
From about 500 CE to 1,000 CE, Western Europe was politically divided, rural, and largely cut off from advanced civilizations in the middle war, china, and India
China broke apart when what dynasty collapsed?
The Han dynasty
China was not restored to its earlier glory until the emergence of the ___ dynasty in 618 CE?
The earliest American civilization, that if the ____, emerged in the tropical Forrest’s along the gulf coast of Mexico from about 1,509 BCE to 400 BCE
A geographic region made up of Mexico and Central America
The ____ are beloved to have originated from West Africa, in present day Cameroon and Nigeria
Era I
The beginnings of human society
Era 2
Early civilizations and the emergence of pastoral peoples
Era 3
Classic traditions, major religions, and giant empires
Era 4
Expanding zones of exchange and encounter
Era 5
Intensified hemispheric interactions
Era 6
The emergence of the first global age
Era 7
Colonization and settlement
Samuel de Champlain
French explorer in Nova Scotia who established a settlement of modern Quebec
Henry Hudson
English explorer who discovered the Hudson River
Mayflower Compact
The first governing document of the Plymouth colony. It was written by the Separatists, known as the saints, who fled religious prosecution in Great Britain.
They traveled on the mayflower in 1620
Triangular Trade
A historical term indicating trade among three ports or regions. Triangular trade usually enforces when a region has export commodities that are not required in the region from which its major imports come.
The Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
The Supreme Court in which the court held that African Americans, weather slave or free, could not be American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court, and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories created after the creation of the US
When was Abraham Lincoln president?
Compromise efforts failed and a crisis developed at —— in South Carolina, which resulted in the secretion by four more southern slave states.
Fort Sumter
The Us entered WWII after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in…?
December 1941
The turn of the century when the national reform movement came. It included advocates of women’s suffrage, municipal reform, temperance, immigration reform, and other social reforms.
Korean War
North Korean forces moved to South Korea without warning. The US and UN came to the aid of South Koreans to repel the communist invasion.
It showed that the US would do anything possible to avoid communism.
Vietnam War
US involvement in Vietnam conflict represented an effort to prevent the spread of communism.
The war ended in the defeat of South Vietnam and the reunification of the country.
The US suffered a significant blow to its reputation as a world superpower, and the cost of the war damaged its economy.