What are the 4 factors for “Principles of Governance”?
- Leadership Is Key
- Anticipate Change and
Stay Relevant - Reward For Work and Work
for Reward - A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All
[POG] What is the ‘Factor’ for Leadership is Key?
-Important to have honest and capable leaders
-Moral courage and integrity
-Need to pick and groom leaders with talent and ability
[POG] What is the ‘Story’ for Leadership Is Key?
Mr LKY picking Ong Teng Cheong (competent, well- respected)
Architect →→ PAP 5th president
[POG] What is the ‘Explanation’ for Leadership Is Key?
-Able to make the right decisions and come up with the solutions to overcome problems
→ stability and progress in Singapore
[POG] What is the ‘Link’ for Leadership Is Key?
-Citizens will have more confidence in the government
→ support the government
[POG] What is the ‘Factor’ for Anticipating Change and Stay Relevant?
-Planning ahead, thinking of overcoming future challenges and needs .
-Leaders with foresight and vision.
→ Come up with right policies
[POG] What is the ‘Story’ for Anticipating Change and Stay Relevant?
Water agreements to expire in 2061
Not to be too dependent on Malaysia
→ensure self-sufficiency
[POG] What is the ‘Explanation’ for Anticipating Change and Stay Relevant?
-Singapore to be less vulnerable
-Able to survive and cope with problems in future
[POG] What is the ‘Link’ for Anticipating Change and Stay Relevant?
-Citizens will have more confidence in the government
→ support the government
[POG] What is the ‘Factor’ for Work for Reward and Reward for Work ?
-Based on principles of meritocracy
-Recognises and rewards individuals for hard work, talent and contribution to society
[POG] What is the ‘Story’ for Work for Reward and Reward for Work?
-Edusave Scholarships and Merit Bursary Scheme Awarded to the top 10% and 25% of students in schools and ITE.
-Some awards recognise students for their academic achievements and active involvement in CCA.
→Students are motivated to study hard and try their best
[POG] What is the ‘Explanation’ for Work for Reward and Reward for Work ?
-Incentives to encourage people in Singapore to work hard
-Ensures that Singapore remains competitive as a country and continue to be economically strong
[POG] What is the ‘Link’ for Work for Reward and Reward for Work ?
Win-win situation for both the government and the citizens Citizens are happy to get recognition and rewards from the government More willing to work hard for the country → a successful Singapore which is what the government hopes for
[POG] What is the ‘Factor’ for A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All?
-More opportunities for people to have a say in decision-making
→ Inclusive society where people have a sense of belonging to country
[POG] What is the ‘Story’ for A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All?
Our Singapore Conversation
Initiated by PM Lee Hsien Loong to engage the public by forming a committee to hold dialogue sessions with people from all walks of life to discuss about their needs.
[POG] What is the ‘Explanation’ for A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All?
Will help the government to better understand public opinions and address their needs.
[POG] What is the ‘Link’ for A Stake for Everyone, Opportunities for All?
-Better communication between citizens and government
-Citizens will feel that the government values/respects their opinion
-Citizens will appreciate the sincerity of the government to reach out to the citizens
→ support the government
[Citizenship and Governance]
In Singapore, citizenship can be granted through:
-Country of birth,
(A citizen of a country) Person has:
-Rights that the country allows all its citizens
-Responsibilities that the country expects of its citizens (NS).
[Citizenship and Governance]
Explanation & Link to Issue of LEGAL STATUS
-Protects the citizens by ensuring they are accorded their rights as citizens of the country.
-Well-being is protected by the country
-Greater stake in society (sense of belonging to SG)
[Citizenship and Governance]
Story & Example of IDENTITY
A sense of national identity comes from a…
shared belief that we belong to the same country through
the sharing of common way of life and experiences.
NATIONAL IDENTITY can be developed through:
-Common spaces
-Singlish (adaptations of Malay, English, Mandarin, and Tamil)
-Food haven (wide variety of food)