social studies Flashcards
Name the ancient Chinese dynasties in order chronologically from first to last.
Shang dynasty, zhou dynasty, qin dynasty, han dynasty, tang dynasty
Why did Ancient China have such a great location geographically?
They had a great geographically location because they were surrounded by the Himalaya Mountains and built the great wall of china that prevented invaders and foreign visitors from coming in. Also they could get water and grow crops from the yellow and Yangtze river
What is the Silk Road?
A vast network of roads passing through different regions along land routes and maritime or sea routes
What is a maritime route on the Silk Road?
A maritime route is a route on the silk road that is over the ocean/water
List eight different items that were traded along the silk road.
Spices, stones, silk, tea, iron, copper, paper, and gunpowder
What are two other things that were exchanged along the Silk Road that weren’t tangible items?
Religious thoughts, ideas, beliefs and news from other countries
List the three different types of government in Ancient China throughout the years.
The three types were a super harsh government, the second is a government like today and the third government is a super light and easy government. Their names are confusion, daoisom and legalism
What did confusious believe and teach?
Honesty and respect is key to a strong relationship and the higher power person should have control over the lower power person like for example father and son relationship.
What was Ancient China’s main item that was exchanged along the Silk Road? Why was it so profitable for China?
The main thing that was traded was called silk, and it was so profitable because only chine knew how to make it and they kept it a secret so other countries always bought it from china which made china very wealthy.