Social Studdies Chapter 3 Study Guide Flashcards
What is so important about the Nile River?
Longest river in the world
What did the Nile River do that was not helpful to the Egyptians?
Flooded, destroyed crops, and killed people
When did the Egyptians determine the Nile would flood?
Between May and September
Why were calenders important to the Egyptians?
Calenders allowed them to keep track of the number of days between flooding cycles
How did understanding the flood cycles of the Nile help yhe Egyptians?
They were able to use the floods th their benefit, sich as irrigation systems
Which king did not unify the 2 kingdoms of Egypt?
What ere the religious beliefs about the pharaohs ofter death?
Pharaohs were still considered gods after death
Which discovery led to the ability to decode heirglyphics?
The Rosetta Stone
What made the Egyptian economy more prosperous?
What did thousands of farmers do while the Nile was flooding their fields?
They helped to build the Great Pyramid
What is one way the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians are different?
They both did not believe their kings were gods.
How is the land of Nubia different feom the land of Egypt?
Nubia had tall cliffs of granite rock
What was different about the Nubian and Egyptian farming techniques?
The Egyptiansuse wooden farming tools, the Nubians did not
Why did the Egyptians want granite rocks from Nubia’s northern region?
To use in building temples
How was the Nubian kingdom of kush affected by the invasion of Egypt ?
The New Kingdom pharaohs conquer Nubia in 1650 BC
Describe the route of the Nile River.
Begins in east Africa and flows northward into Egypt