Social responsibility Poster Flashcards
‘a man has to look after himself’ (Mr Birling)
C=Mr Birling set up as foil to Inspector to allow Priestley to present his political debate. He represents capitalist individualism.
‘He was our inspector all right’ (Eric)
L/I=he ‘interrogated’ them & made them confess. He was their MORAL inspector rather than a police inspector. They’ve all committed moral crimes against another innocent induvial.
‘I don’t come into this suicide business…we can keep it from him’ (Gerald)
L=euphemism ‘business’ wants to distance himself emotionally. C=wants to conceal affair from Inspector/public. Reputation more important than honesty.
‘fire and blood and anguish’ (Inspector)
L=violent tricolon emphasizes his message of need for social change. R=audience in 4946 lived through 2 WW. Realise need for social change to avoid more suffering.
‘we’ll have to share our guilt…a chain of events’ (Inspector)
L=verb ‘share’-we’re all responsible for each other in society; our actions have an impact on others. L=metaphor ‘chain of events’-one action leads to another, & all actions
‘you mustn’t try to build up a kind of wall between us and the girl’ (Sheila)
L=metaphor. I=could represent the class divide that Mrs Birling tries to assert; could also represent Mrs Birling’s denial. Mrs Birling need to accept responsibility for others & accept the truth.