social notes Flashcards
adject poverty?
etereme poverty in which an individual lives on less then $1 per day
Aboriganal healing foundation?
a way of thinking that values the group more than the idivedual, and views all things as inerconnected.
Aboriganial Healing Foundations?
a foundation created as a result of the royal commission on aboriginal people.
aboriginal rights?
the right of the first nations and inuit/meti pople in canada.
aboriginal self-goverment?
first nations, metis, and inuit groups making their own decisions regarding their economy.
adam smith?
the father of capitalism.
adherenc to collective norms?
faithful observance of the norms or standards imposed omn member sof the group.
unselfishness and a focus on the needs of others.
anti-terrorism act?
a law passed by canadas parliment in respnce to 9/11
anti-war movment?
an orginized campaign against war.
the process whereby ethnic or cuklural groups adopt the culture of a dominant group and are abosorbed into this society.
authoritrian political systems?
political systems in which all decisions related to governing the state are made by a small group.
religon,gender,world view.
memebers of a wing of the russian social-demoratic workers party.
a french word that refers to thre social-democratic workers party.
international behaviour or foreign policy the takes a country to the brink of war.
canadian charter of rights and freedoms?
a document entrenched in the consititutional act 1982, describes fundementl rights
capitalist economy?
an ecomnomy that operates with limited goverment intervention.
an economic system based on free market
restricting freedom of expression or fredom of acsses to ideas or works.
centrally planned economy?
economic based on public ( state) ownership of property.
membership by birth or naturlization in a society, community, or country.
civil disobedience?
international, public refusalto obey a law.
class system?
the division of a society into different classes of people, usually based on income or wealth
classical liberal?
based on the ideology of classical liberalism
classical liberalism?
that rights and freedoms of an individual should be the foundation for society
cold war?
means no shots were fired, conflict bettween soviet union and its allies
collective interest?
the set of goals or ideals that members of a group pursue together.
collective responsibility?
a groups responsibility for the actions of all the individual members.
collective security?
the mutual protection of the member s of an organization against an outside threat.
collective will.
the wants or wishes of a group of people.
an ideology that places the need and goal of the collective, or ,group.
command economy?
an economic system based on public
commoon good?
the good of a community
the working clas must overcome its property-owning oppreeeors through revolution.
the struggle amoung two or more people or groups for an economic, social , or political advantage.
consensus decision making?
a form of decision making whereby individuals in a group share ideas
constitution act?
established canada and its form of goverment
constitutional monarchy?
a political system in which a monarch shares power with a constitutionally organized goverment
people working together to accomplish common goals
co operation? switch with containment
the us cold war foreign policy of stopping the spread of communism
cost of living?
how much money is needed to provide a personor family with acertain standard of living
crown corporations?
companies owned by canadian federa goverments
crown land?
goverment owned land
compulsory enfranchisement?
the automatic loss of status and rights provided by an indian act
an obligation to pay back borrowed money
a political system inwhich the people have power to make or influence the goverment decisions
democratic socialism
a political ideology that advocates a peaceful evolitionary transition.
a period of the cold warf rom mid 60s to 70
a individual ruler or small group , complet control of its laws
a form of goverment in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power
direct democracy?
a form of democratic govertmant in which people participate directly in political dicisions