Social Media Flashcards
Why study social and new media in their functional contexts?
- Digitalisation > digital culture offers new opportunities and sets new requirements for how we communicate
- Scientific research into the impact of social and new media on communication by individuals and
organisations - ‘Behind the scenes’ of scientific research into the influence of digital media on communication in various functional contexts
What are the two contexts in which social media is used
- social and new media in personal contexts
- social and new media in professional and organisational contexts
Describe different media characteristics
Social presence:
- degree of mediation
- degree of immediacy
Media richness:
- amount of information
Social characteristics
- self-presentation
Three medium factors
- synchronicity
- message transmission (One-to-one, one-to-many)
- Persistence of the transcript (ephemeral or archived)
- Size of messages
Elements of a definition of social media
Interaction between people
- two-way communication
- collaborative potential
- social integration with mainstream media: Netflix, reality tv (hashtags, tweets)
- social media interactions focus on information exch
What is the extended self?
Extended self (Belk, 1988): we see external objects that we own as part of ourselves
- they act as memory markers: photos, souvenirs, gifts
- we use them as cues to show others who we are/want to be
Five significant changes as a result of digitalization?
- Dematerialization (of possessions)
- Reembodiment
- Sharing (of private life & possessions can lead to disinhibition)
- Co-construction of self
- Distributed memory
Choi, Williams, & Kim (2020)
A snap of your true self: how self-presentation and temporal affordance influence self-concept on social media:
The findings support the self symbolizing perspective: internalization of presented self was facilitated by ephemeral social media
Public commitment
Once individuals make a commitment, they feel pressured to be consistent with it.
When presenting their self on permanent social media, people will evaluate themselves as more congruent with the presented self, compared to ephemeral social media
Individuals strive to acquire symbols of a self-concept they wish to attain and want them to be noticed by an audience
When presenting their self on ephemeral social media, people will evaluate themselves as more congruent with the presented self, compared to permanent social media
Why’s everyone on TikTok now? The algorithmized
self and the future of self-making on social media
“On TikTok, unlike on other platforms, the user experience is
obviously, unambiguously, and explicitly driven by the “For
You” algorithm (Xu et al., 2019)”
Ellison et. al…: Profile as Promise…
how do online daters assess and justify differences between someone’s self-
presentation on a dating profile and their offline presentation?
Factors that make misrepresentations on dating sites acceptable
-Reduced cues
-Shared contextual expectations
Timmermans & De Caluwé, (2017)
To Tinder or not to Tinder, that’s
the question: An individual differences perspective to Tinder use and motives.
-Tinder users more extraverted and open to new experiences than non-users,
-Non-users more conscientiousness than single Tinder users.
-No significant differences between agreeableness and neuroticism
Sharabi & Caughlin (2019)
Deception in online dating: Significance
and implications for the first offline date.
Deception in online dating may be the norm, but also has negative consequences