social learning theory of gender development Flashcards
social learning theory
all behaviour is learnt including gender from observing and imitating others
on the nurture side of the debate
acknowledges role models and environment
SLT and gender, four mediational processes
gender behaviour is demonstrated by a role model we identify with
four mediational process determine if learnt
attention, retention, motivation, motor reproduction
mediational processes example
attention = watch mum ironing
retention= remember what she was doing
motivation= hear dad thanking mum for ironing his shirts
motor reproduction= copy by ironing doll cloths with toy iron
more likely to when we identify with someone
have desirable qualities seen as desirable and part of immediate family or in media
attractive, high status, same sex
vicarious reinforcement
likely to copy behavior they have seen rewarded
direct reinforcement
receiving praise
e.g girl models mother’s gender wearing a dress is praised for appropriate behaviour
differential reinforcement
ways boys and girls encouraged to show distinct gender appropriate behaviour
how a child learns gender identity
supportive evidence
Smith & Lloyd
empirical evidence
found babies dressed in blue or pink
adults treated them differently
blue given hammer shaped rattle
in pink cuddly toy, told ;pretty’
gender appropriate behaviour is enforced at an early age by differential reinforcement
can explain changes in gender norms
now in western society less clear cut stereotypical male and female behaviour than 1950s
explained by cultural norms= new forms of gender acceptable
children observe different gender related behaviours and motivated to copy as role models are praised eg girls playing football
no change in basic biology= better than biological approach
can explain cultural differences
differences in gender development occur in different cultures
eg west more likely accept girls as tom boys
different role models in different cultures are copied
ignores cognitive development
not a developmental theory
suggests modeling occurs at any age
Dublin suggests selection and imitation not till later
agrees with Kohlberg’s theory children don’t become active in gender development till reaching gender constancy
slt= not only way gender role behaviour develops cognition maturation needs to be considered
ignores biology
little emphasis of genes and chromosomes just environment
David Reimer case shows is not possible to override chromosomal influence ‘Bruce’ did not learn female behaviour through 4 mediational processes
prefer biosocial theory= innate biological differences reinforced by social interaction and cultural expectations
ignores role of the unconscious
freud suggests over relies on conscious mediational processes
felt unconscious forces play important role determining gender development
supportsimportance of same se parent in gender development
SLT= too simplistic explanation