Social Justice Flashcards
Barnes, 1991
1940’s welfare state for the disabled was said to be a dependency culture where people with impairements became objects to be treated, changed, improbved and made ‘normal’
Pain et al, 2001
While the approach was sympathetic, it failed to acknowledge or even celebrate the positive aspects of a diverse society
Pain et al 2001
Conservative Government of 1979 - 1997 introduced efficacy of the market via privitisation which was accompanied by a ‘care in the community’ system that was favoured by most neoliberal western governments at the time
Pain et al, 2001
Despite Government rhetoric of inclusionary policy of ‘care in the community’, it has been argued hat the main force for this concept was saving public finances. Shifting the burden of state intervention to individuals.
Pain et al, 2001
Many disabled people have to confront hostile and exclusionary built environments in their everyday lives
Kitchin, 1998
Current planning practice is underlain by modernist concern for aesthetics and form over building use with environments and buildings designed as if all people are the same – able bodied
Pain et al, 2001
Examples of ‘design apartheid’ are all around us, specifically in terms of access
Deakin et al, 2004
Modern welfare state is under threat from changing demographic patterns, declining public trust and international competition for capital and labour
DeVerteuil, 2015
Post welfare state is a term alluding to the rolling back of the state in contemporary time
Harvey, 1973
‘Capitalist system annihiates space to ensure its own reproduction; and that certain groups in socity are denied access to social justice’
Painter and Philo, 1995
If citizenship is to mean anything in an everyday sense, it should mean the ability of inidviduals to occupy public spaces in a manner that does not compromise their self-identity, let alone obstruct, threaten or even harm them
Davod Harvey, 2008
The process of urbanisation is largely driven by the need to re-invest surplus capital. Also known as the capital surplus absorption problem.
Henri Lefebvre, 1968
The right to the city - means cities are necessarily public. the right to inhabit the city has always been something to be struggled for
Face Forces of Oppression. Young, 1990
Exploitation Marginalisation Powerlessness Cultural Imperialism Violence
Davis, 1991
Ecology of fear
Pain et al, 2001
Groups and places demonised as a threat to law and order may themselves be the highest risk of violence and abuse. People are homeless or have mental health problems may simultaneously be feared or fearful.
Power and Skinner, 2018
`Voluntary sector
Woodhams and Corby, 2003
Disability discrimination act