social issues Flashcards
what percentage did the number of workers in unions fall to from 1997-2007
29% to 26%
what industries were privatised under Blair
air traffic control organisation
underground became a public-private partnership
why was the transport workers union expelled from the party in 2004
some local branches had decided to donate to more left wing parties instead
what did the Labour government opt back into
the European social chapter
what did the European social chapter allow in Britain
all employees able to apply for 3 month parental leave for a child under 8
what did Blair see as an opportunity for economic growth
how many female mp’s were there by 1997 and how ddi this compare to the previous number
how many of the 120 female MP’s were labour MP’S
who became the first women to be foreign secretary in 2006
Margaret Beckett
what was introduced for 3-4 year old children in 2007
free 12.5 hours of nursery a week
what percentage of FTSE 100 companies had no women on the board in 199 compared to 2007
36% in 1999
24% in 2007
what was the pay gap in 2007
what did a 2007 survey find about roles in the home
women did 3 times the amount as men
what was set up in 1997 to combat social exclusion
the social exclusion unit
how did Blair appeal to the youth
had four school age children
had a celebrity party after election win involving people like Noel Gallagher and Vivienne Westwood