Social Interactions Flashcards
With regard to status, being a physician is a(n):
achieved status
An achieved status is any social position one can acquire on the basis of merit (i.e., it is earned or chosen). It reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts.
With regard to status, being an uncle or a widow are examples of:
ascribed statuses
An ascribed status is a social status assigned to a person at birth or assumed involuntarily later in life (i.e., neither earned nor chosen).
Dr. House has been a physician for 35 years. Everyone knows him as “the Doc,” and he is more proud of this identity than of any other aspect of his life. For Dr. House, the title of physician is his:
master status
A person’s master status is the social position which is his or her primary identifying characteristic. A master status has great significance for one’s social identity.
A man has a child and so begins to occupy the status of father. The man will be expected to play the ______ of father by caring for, feeding, and providing for his child.
social role
A social role is the set of behaviors that are expected of an individual who holds a particular status. The primary difference between a role and a status is that a person occupies a status but plays a role.
role conflict
Refers to stress resulting from multiple different, conflicting roles that a person holds.
The existence of multiple roles is the key element of role conflict.
role strain
Refers to difficulty or stress associated with fulfilling the demand of a single role.
The existence of a single role is the key element of role strain and is what differentiates it from role conflict.
John, an appliance company executive, is facing pressure to stay late at work in advance of a major product launch. However, his wife is also asking him to come home on time to help take care of their new baby. Does this exemplify role conflict or role strain?
Role conflict
Since John is experiencing a clash between multiple roles (executive and husband/father), this exemplifies role conflict.
Sarah, a product manager, is having an extremely stressful day dealing with six meetings and a multitude of emails. Does this exemplify role conflict or role strain?
Role strain
Since Sarah is experiencing stress that stems from a single role (product manager), this exemplifies role strain.
Therese has been a Catholic nun in Puerto Rico for 10 years. If Therese decides that she wants to start her own family, she must leave the convent and her position as nun in a process called:
role exit
Role exit is the process of disengagement from a role. Here, role exit is exemplified by Therese exiting one role (nun) in order to establish herself in another (mother).
What is the difference between an in-group and an out-group?
- An out-group consists of individuals with whom one does not identify (“outsiders”).
- An in-group consists of individuals with whom one does identify.
A person typically considers themself a member of their in-group. For example, for a Cleveland Browns fan, other Browns fans would be part of the in-group, while Pittsburgh Steelers fans would be part of an out-group.
A pair of brothers constitutes which type of social group?
A dyad
A dyad is a group consisting of only two individuals. As such, a dyad is the smallest possible social group. Examples include a pair of siblings or a married couple.
Dyads can be unstable, because if even one person leaves the group, the group falls apart. This is less common (albeit possible) with siblings, but extremely frequent with romantic relationships.
Three extremely close college friends would constitute which type of social group?
A triad
A triad is a group consisting of three individuals. Triads are typically less intense than dyads and are also more stable, as the group can continue to exist even after one member leaves (for example, if one of the friends decides to study abroad).
A group of five friends did everything together from childhood through high school. Even as adults, they meet up monthly and talk multiple times per week. The closeness of this group makes it a:
primary group
A primary group is typically a small social group whose members share close, personal, enduring relationships. Close childhood friends are a classic example.
Primary groups usually serve as important support systems for their members.
At Sarah’s office, the executives who run the company set up a temporary, eight-person “working group” to research and launch a new product. This group would constitute:
a secondary group
Secondary groups are less personal and close than primary groups, and their members are more interchangeable. Additionally, secondary groups are established to perform functions (for example, a group of coworkers), so these groups are typically temporary.
Identify the social structure represented in the image below.
social network
A social network is a social structure made up of a set of actors (individuals, friends, colleagues, etc.), sets of dyadic/triadic ties, and other social interactions between them. Here, the self is at the center.
A doctor is a member of a neuroscience and neurology society that convenes once a year to present research and discuss clinical innovations. The society is an example of a social:
Social organizations are comprised of professional relationships. The organization itself is also a social entity, with goals, structure, and a unique culture.
The military and many Fortune 500 companies have stated missions, well-defined hierarchies to distribute power, and specialized roles to carry out specific tasks. As a result, these entities would be labeled:
formal organizations
A formal organization is any social system structured by clearly-laid-out rules, goals, and practices based on a division of labor and a defined hierarchy of power.
Name the five necessary components of an ideal bureaucracy according to Max Weber.
- Division of labor and specialization
- Management through written rules and regulations
- Hierarchy of authority
- Formal selection based on technical competence
- Impersonality
Note that, as in much of sociology, different sources will sometimes list these components differently.
According to modern product management theories, the members of a product team should operate cross-functionally, as opposed to each member focusing solely on his or her own area of expertise. This violates which component of an ideal bureaucracy?
Division of labor and specialization
Max Weber stated that in an ideal bureaucracy, labor is divided into highly specific tasks, which minimizes the amount that each worker needs to know and (in theory) allows for increased efficiency. However, this approach has its downsides, and as this card states, many modern organizations favor cross-functionality over extreme specialization.
At a large auto factory, all employees, from factory workers to the CEO, are required to wear identical uniforms. This aligns with which component of an ideal bureaucracy?
According to this principle, standards, rules, and regulations are applied uniformly to all members, regardless of the member’s position.
Which component of an ideal bureaucracy ensures that the organization can continue to operate normally even if employees leave?
Management through written rules and regulations.
This is one of Max Weber’s characteristics of an ideal bureaucracy.
The exhaustive forms that medical schools require, just for the opportunity to spend money and seek a position in their next class, are seen by many applicants as excessive and overly time-consuming. In this case, the paperwork is an example of bureaucratic:
red tape
Red tape is a term for regulations or bureaucratic procedures that are considered excessive or excessively time- and effort-consuming.
In 2017, evidence was presented to suggest that Google’s search algorithms had worldwide political and social biases, hypothesized to stem from an ideological echo chamber of control at the top levels of executive power. If Google was founded on the concept of “Don’t be evil,” then this shift, if true, is an example of:
the “iron law of oligarchy”
This law states that all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop oligarchic tendencies (i.e. become controlled by a powerful few), making true democracy impossible, particularly in large groups and complex organizations, like Google.
Many modern families spend less time cooking or thinking about meals than ever. Much of what is at the grocery store is pre-packaged and pre-measured. In stores, employees are required only to follow the instructions and occasionally push a button. These facts are examples of the process of:
The McDonaldization of society is the process whereby traditional modes of thinking or operating are replaced by a focus on calculability, efficiency, predictability, and formalized social control.
The collective set of knowledge about facts, policies, experiences, and other concepts with regard to an organization is termed:
Hint: This knowledge is held by members of the organization, particularly those who have been there for a relatively long period of time.
institutional memory
While institutional memory is most often discussed in reference to businesses/companies, it applies to other types of organizations as well.
What is required to exist in order to retain institutional memory within an organization?
Continuity of group membership.
Much of an organization’s institutional memory is passed down verbally between members. Thus, if all members quit at once and new members later rejoined, institutional memory would be lost. In other words, member continuity is required.
The popular belief that women are more emotionally sensitive or empathetic than men is an example of how ______ can impact the expression and/or detection of emotion.