Social Influences on Mental Health Flashcards
For most mental health problems, genes cannot fully explain which individuals will be affected
True or False?
The heritability estimates for anxiety symptoms in childhood range between?
Social interactions and systems play a fundamental role in development, how we learn and behave, and particularly in our mental health and well-being.
true or False?
Mental ill-health is likely to arise from?
an interplay of genetic and social factors across the life-course
explain the 5 social systems of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems?
1) microsystem: the groups and institutions that most immediately and directly impact the child’s development and well-being.
eg. family, day-care or school, peers
2) Mesosystem: interconnections between the different microsystems
eg. between parents and teachers or between children’s friends and their family members.
3) Exosystem: involves links between social settings that do not directly involve the child.
eg a child’s experience at home may be influenced by their parent’s experiences at work
4) Macrosystem: is the layer surrounding these previous three levels and consists of the wider society and culture that influences the developing child
5) Chronosystem: which works across all of the other four levels and represents how systems at all levels can change over time
We rely on individuals’ subjective perception of their social interactions when measuring social factors.
Common issues include?
- Normal process of forgetting
- The lack of understanding that children have of their social world
- Young children may not recognise an interaction as being problematic
- Young children may also be unable to remember events, a process called ‘infantile amnesia’
- Embarrassment, stigma, or too upsetting to discuss certain sensitive interactions, such as sexual abuse
- Reporting style – minimising / emotive / chaotic
- Impact of mental health on the ability to recall
- Depressed mood often leads to a negative perception of the world
- Psychosis might hinder the veracity of the reports
- Cognitive impairment may prevent accurate recall
What is childhood maltreatment?
Childhood maltreatment refers to a range of adverse experiences occurring between birth and approximately 17 years.
What are some common types of maltreatment?
- sexual abuse
- physical abuse
- emotional abuse
- psychological abuse
- neglect (physical and emotional)
Childhood maltreatment has been associated with?
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Personality disorder
- Substance misuse
- Suicide attempts
Methods of assessment: Individual and documented reports
What is an advantage of individual reports?
• gain insight into the person’s own perspective on their exposure and understand what they’ve experienced
What are the 2 disadvantages of individual reports?
- asking a child might be difficult and possibly unethical if doing so around the time of the event, due to potential distress, amnesia or denial, and/or fear
- asking an adult in retrospect might be problematic due to forgetfulness, biased recall or embarrassment
What is the 1 advantage of documented reports? (social services etc)
• provides an independent and more objective source of information
What is the 1 disadvantage of a documented report?
• very few cases of maltreatment come to the attention of officials
Only 5.1% of those who reported experiencing physical abuse and 8.7% of those with a history of sexual abuse had any contact with Child Protection Services.
true or false?
Observation of the family and home environment
What is 1 advantage?
provides an independent and more objective assessment of interactions and home environment
Disadvantages of the observation of the family and home environment?
- potentially misleading behaviour and deceptive surroundings during home visits
- observer bias
- intrusive
What are 2 advantages of informed report?
- partially independent report
* obtained around time of exposure
What are 2 disadvantages of the informed report?
based on person’s subjective perception of occurrence
informant may be unaware of or minimise exposure
It is very common in mental health studies to ask adults to retrospectively recall childhood maltreatment
What are 2 advantages of this?
- more convenient as studies usually recruit adults who already have a diagnosed disorder
- tends to be much cheaper than prospective methods
What is 1 disadvantage of the retrospective assessment?
may lead to different individuals being classified as being exposed to maltreatment
Almost 1/3 of individuals with documented childhood sexual abuse did not recall it when asked later
true or false?
Bullying occurs when?
- Occurs between individuals of the same age
- Occurs over time
- There is a power imbalance
Children who were severely and frequently bullied by the age of 12 had an increased risk of reporting psychotic symptoms
true or false?
Risk remained even after controlling for what 3 things?
- individual and socio-economic factors
- children’s psychopathology
- genetic susceptibility